
Mar 11, 2010

March 11, 2010 Lesson 2 of Romans 1:18-32

How does Paul show the sin of man to be: a) deliberate, and b)inexcusable? How did it begin, and what spiritual, mental, moral, and physical effects does it have? Answer: It began by them not worshiping the one true God and suppressing the Truth. They were then given over to their sin and they fell faced first into sexual immorality, greed, envy, murder, deceit, arrogance, and the list goes on.

How is God’s wrath said to manifest itself? Notice the three stages in verses 24,26, and 28. Cf. Ps 81:12; Acts 7:42. In what ways do you see God’s wrath at work in the world of today? Cf. 12:19; 13:4. Answer: God gave them over to their (v24) sinful desires of their hearts, (v26) shameful lusts, and (28) to a depraved mind. God’s wrath manifest itself in the total degrading of their life. He gave them over to self because they thought that they were better than God, much like Adam and Eve did in the garden. I say that yes this same scenario is playing out in America today.

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