
Aug 6, 2010

August 6, 2010 Lesson 5 of Numbers 8:1-9:14

Chapter 8 is a re-assertion of the ‘separatedness’ of the Levities. How was this made clear to Israel? What is a wave offering? Cf Lev 10:15; 23:20; a probable meaning is ‘contribution’. What was the relationship of the Levites to God, priests and people respectively? Answer: A wave offering, from, is the “rite, together with that of "heaving" or "raising" the offering was an inseparable accompaniment of peace.” The Levites were taken unto God as the first born, servants to the priests and temple, and set apart from the people.
9:1-14. How is the importance of the Passover shown here? Cf. Exod. 12:24-27. What are we to learn from this? Answer: They are performing the Passover even when out in the desert. Location need not dictate where the ceremonies of the Lord are to be carried out. Not much different today. God is everywhere.

What do we see here of Moses’ way of exercising leadership? How did he deal with practical problems when individuals brought them to him? Answer: He took them to the Lord

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