
Apr 21, 2010

April 21, 2010 Lesson 29 of Exodus 39 and 40

Try to picture the tabernacle and its furniture as described here. What New Testament truths does it foreshadow? Cf. e.g. Heb 9:8-12. Answer:

What phrase occurs repeatedly in this passage concerning the making of the tabernacle? What does this teach us about our own service for God? Cf. John 15:14. Answer:

Note: 40:26. ‘The gold altar’: i.e. the altar of incense, called ‘gold’ to distinguish it from the brazen altar of burn offering in the outer court (40:29)

OK, to be honest here I am totally lost. I don’t know how to answer these questions at all. I understand that God had them create the temple so the priests could make atonement for all their sins at the appointed time. I don’t understand all the significance of the imagery. I am a visual person so I have to see pictures or models as it is being explained to truly understand it. This is another section of the Bible I will have to come back to later to read more and understand more. These questions posed here are very difficult to understand when reading for the first time.

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