
Apr 7, 2010

April 7, 2010 Lesson 15 of Exodus 21:1-32

The laws in this portion concern relations between people, particularly those between slaves and masters. While slavery is tolerated, its severity is mitigated in various ways.
What are the principles underlying the laws about persons? In particular, what kind of relationship between slave and master is contemplated in verses 2-6? Cf. also Deut. 15:12-18; Jer 34:12-17. Answer: I see the laws saying a lot about and eye for an eye. If a man kills another he is to be put to death. Slaves and masters are a bit different. The master has a bit more leeway than the slave. The master may harm the slave but then has to release the slave. I find it interesting that if a man slave takes a wife while in the service of his master, the wife and children become property of the master and don’t have to be released.

For what kind of transgression was the death penalty inflicted? See also 22:18-20; 31:15. Why is this? Cf. Mark 9:43-48. Answer: killing another, attacking parents (note it doesn’t say killing or harming, attacking can be seen as just about anything), and kidnapping.

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