The apostle has urged the believers at Corinth to be zealous to possess the more excellent of the gifts (12:31), but before going on to explain what he means by this (ch 14), he pauses to point out that spiritual gifts are of profit only when exercise in love.
V 1-3. Why is love so all important? In what ways does Paul show further in verses 8-13 that love is greater than all other gifts? How can it find expression in my life? Cf. 1 John 4:7, 12; Gal 5:22-23. Answer: V 13: And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
In verse 4-7 there are fifteen ways of describing love. Write them in a column and then try to put opposite each a single word summarizing it, and, if possible, an incident in Jesus’ life illustrating it. Then ask yourself: Is this found in me?
Answer: Love is
Patient: Long suffering. Jesus behavior and attitude toward the disciples, especially Peter.
Kind: compassionate. Jesus showed this in virtually everything he did! Especially coming here to this earth do die for our sins.
Does not envy: Love is not jealous, wanting what others have. Not something Jesus showed.
Does not boast: Pride. Again not something Jesus showed.
Not proud: arrogance. Something that Jesus could easily be, because He is God. However, because of love He did not.
Is not rude: respect. Christ showed respect to everyone He met, including those who killed Him and hung Him on the cross.
Is not self seeking: put others first. Christ showed this in His daily activities. On a bigger scale Christ did this by not touting Himself before others. Again, He is God so He had every right.
Not easily angered: peace. Can I go back to peter for a moment. If you watch many parents today (and I am sometimes included in this) they get very angry very fast when their children mess up in someway. Well Christ did not get angry when Peter doubted while walking on the water. Rather Christ took him by the hand and showed love.
Keeps no record of wrongs: forgiveness. That is why He came. Even on the cross He was asking for forgiveness for those who tortured Him.
Does not delight in evil: Not sure what to put here except for love. Which Jesus is.
Rejoices in Truth: Praise. Jesus taught us worship of God through His praise (subordination)
Protects: Shield. He is our shield, to protect us from satan and his evil ways.
Trusts: faith. Jesus showed us what faith is through his words and actions.
Hopes: optimistic. We, as Jesus instructed us to be, hope for His return. For the day on which we will see Him again.
Perseveres: sticks with. Christ was not tempted by Satan in desert.
For each of these I ask God daily to let others see love in me, see His Love through me.
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