
May 2, 2010

May 2, 2010 Lesson 11 of 1 Corinthians 14

Try to form a mental picture of the church’s worship in Corinth. In what ways did it differ from the church’s worship today? Did it include any features, no longer familiar, which it would be good to see restored? Answer: I am envisioning a church that spends a great deal of time in worship, but it was somewhat un-orderly. I think differences between then and now would depend on what type of congregational church you went to. There are many types of churches today. Some believe in speaking in tongues, some don’t. Some are built on ceremony, some are not.

What two principles should govern the conduct of public worship and of church gatherings? How did Paul make of this gift? How did Paul apply these principles in his direction about public worship in Corinth? Answer: 1) an orderly worship (not everyone trying to talk over each other), 2)Women did not speak in church.

Many in the church at Corinth seem to have wanted to speak in tongues. What assessment does Paul make of this gift? What was Paul’s counsel to those who were eager for manifestations of the Spirit? Which gift do you eagerly desire? Answer: Wisdom, is what I currently desire. I need the Spirit to guide me in God’s will!

Note: V3. Prophecy might include foretelling of the future (Acts 11:28), but was more normally a foretelling of God’s will for present ‘strengthening, encouragement and comfort’. In contrast to an unintelligible ‘tongue’, it was readily understandable and practically relevant to the hearers.

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