
Feb 12, 2010

February 12, 2010 Lesson 3 of Galatians 3:1-18.

These verses are a fourfold argument in proof of 2:16; a) verses 1-5, an argument from experience; b) Verse 6-9, an argument from Scripture teaching about Abraham, c) verse 10-14, an argument from the meaning of Christ’s death, and d) verses 15-18, an argument from the fact that the covenant of promise was long prior to the giving of the law. Unravel the argument used by Paul in these verses to demonstrate that justification and enjoyment of the gift of the Spirit are by faith in Christ, and not by ‘works of the law’ (i.e. our own law-keeping). Answer: I think first off Paul makes the point (more than once here and in the previous chapter) that we are not saved by works. The law was there to set up God’s moral law for all time. The is the same then as it is now, the only difference is Christ died on the cross for the covering of all sins and justifies us through faith. Verse 10-18. Distinguish between law and promise and between works and faith as bases in God’s dealing with men. What two benefits has Christ made available for us by his redeeming work? Answer: I think this is shown here in v14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Notes: Verses 2,5. ‘Believe what you heard’: This is an abbreviated expression for hearing the word of the gospel and received it with responsive or obedient faith. Cf. Rom 10:8-17. Verse 7. ‘Children of Abraham’: in the sense of spiritual likeness. Cf. John 8:39 Verse 8-9. Paul interprets the promise of Gen 12:3b to mean that just as Abraham received the blessing of justification by faith (Gen 15:6), so a time would come when men of all nations would ‘in Abraham’, i.e., through his seed, which is Christ (v 14, 16), received the same blessing in the same way.

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