
Feb 17, 2010

February 17, 2010 Lesson 1 of Proverbs 1

February 17, 2010 Lesson 1 of Proverbs 1 From the purpose of this book, as expressed in verses 1-6, what personal profit can we expect to gain from studying it? How, according to v 7, can we: a) begin right, or b) show our folly? (see note under lesson 17). Answer: Verses 1-6 tell us that the Proverbs were given to us to attain wisdom and discipline, understanding words of insight, helping us discern between right and wrong, knowledge and discretion to young while giving prudence to the simple, and let the wise grow in learning. V7 is telling us that nothing starts without God. We must first fear Him before we can even start to learn wisdom. List some of the attractions in the enticing talk of verses 11-14. What positive attitudes will forearm me against them? Answer: V11-14 show that it is easy to get wrapped up in the things of this world and follow those of the world. In these verses it is showing those of the world trying to entice those seeking wisdom to harm others to attain their own desires. Seeking wisdom will help to forearm. What is the essence of the outlook deplored in verse 20-32? And of the promise given in 33? Answer: V20-32 is wisdom personified asking the question, why do you not follow? Wisdom argues that she was there but you rejected her, refusing her advice and guidance. She continues by saying she will refuse to listen when you need her since you previously refused her. However, V33 tells us that we can be at ease if we do follow and listen to her.

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