
Jun 1, 2010

June 1, 2010 Study 13 of 2 Corinthians 12:11-21

Paul again summarizes his past ministry in Corinth and his attitude towards the Christians there. What accusations is he meeting in this passage and how does he answers them? What impresses you most as showing the measure of his Christ-likeness? In answering this question bear in mind how deeply he has been wronged by the ingratitude and suspicion of the church. Answer: I appears to me that some in the church are saying that Paul has been a financial burden on the church. That some of them feel that he is wanting to charge others to hear the Word, or at the very least support him while he preaches.

In verse 20-21 what anxieties does Paul have over the church in Corinth? What can we learn from this about our responsibility for younger Christians? Answer: Paul fears that the new Christians in Corinth have gone back to their evil ways. We must support the new Christian by encouraging them to get into the Word to study and soak it up.

V13. ‘Forgive me this wrong’!: spoken in irony.
V14. ‘What I want is not your possessions but you’: Cf 4:5, 15; 5:13; 13:9

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