Jun 10, 2010
June 10, 2010 Lesson 3 of 1 Timothy 3:1-13
V 1-7. What are the qualities required in those who exercise leadership in the church? Note what Paul says about their; a) personal character, b) Christian experience, c) general reputation, and d) abilities. Why does Paul put such stress on the personal life of a Christian leader? Answer: The Christian leader must be “above reproach.” He must be of the highest character in all areas of his life. He must be able to manage his family, receiving respect from all members. They must be well founded in their faith, so they do not fall into the traps (pride, arrogance, etc.) of the devil.
What qualities are necessary for deacons (v 8-10, 12, 13) and deconesses (v11)? Compare your answer with the answer to Q1. Note how largely the element of self-discipline enters into these qualifications. In the light of this passage, how do I measure up to the standard God requires? Answer: I think Paul is saying pretty much the same about deacons as he is about the “overseer.” The one difference I do see is the deacon’s qualifications actually talks a bit about the wife’s qualities. Not sure why that is not the same for the “overseer” or if it is why is it not mentioned when talking about the elder. I will say that I have a long way to go with all of it!!
V 1. ‘Overseer’ or ‘Bishop’ in some translations: the bishop here must not be identified with a present day bishop. The Greek word means ‘one who exercises oversight’. There were a number of such men in each congregation (see Phiil 1:1); and they were also called ‘elders’ or ‘prebyters’. See Titus 1:5, 7; Acts 20:17, 28, AV and RV.
V2. ‘the husband of but one wife’: Cf. 3:12; 5:9. Opinion is divided as to whether this means married only once, or having only one wife, i.e. not a polygamist. The latter is more probable in the light of 1 Cor 7:8-9; Rom 7:1-3.
V 6. ‘The same judgment as the devil’: this probably means to fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil for his sin of pride.
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