
Jun 11, 2010

June 11, 2010 Lesson 4 of 1 Timothy 3:14-4:5

What truths about the Christian church are signified by the descriptive phrases of 3:15? Consider each in turn. Cf. Eph 2:19-22; 2 Cor 6:16-18. (See note below) What demands ought these truths to make on us? Answer: The church is the foundation of the Truth in this world. God is the corner stone of the church, there is no other. Christ was sent to make atonement for our sins, and the Holy Spirit is left to guide us and grow us in God’s will.

Note from where the false teaching described in 4:1-5 would arise; and by what kind of people it would be propagated. What, according to Paul’s teaching here, is the true Christian position with regard to: a)marriage and b) foods that may be eaten? Cf Heb 13:4; Rom 14:2, 3, 6b. Answer: Paul says that we are to continue to marry and eat the foods of the earth that God has provided. It says in verse 1 “in later times.” I can see ours and other’s countries moving to a marriage free culture. In fact someone was saying telling me that some in our government’s current administration favor civil unions for all couples, then those who want to can get married in a church can later. I will say when looking at the conferring passages, and what limited knowledge I have about the rest of the Bible, there is one difference here. The “rules” on marriage (one man married to one woman for the rest of their life with very very limited exemptions) don’t change, but with the new covenant the rules did change on what we could eat. I have to say thank you Lord for that!

3:16 may quote part of an early Christian hymn. What do these statements declare concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ? What are the sphere and the extent of his Lordship? Answer: First off these statements declare what we already know of Him and show how he has fulfilled scripture by coming to this earth, dying for our sins, and then rising again to heaven.

Note; 3:15. ‘The pillar and foundation of the truth’: i.e., displaying and upholding in the world the revelation of the gospel: and so providing a public and enduring witness for God. Cf. Rev 2:5

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