
Jul 14, 2010

July 14, 2010 Lesson 3 of Hebrews 3:1-6

V1, 6. Christians are described here as those who confess Christ and respond to his call. If these activities are to be fully meaningful, we must ‘consider Jesus’ as our ‘apostle and high priest’. What, then, can Christ do for us, and what does he demand from us as a) our Apostle, and b) our High Priest? Answer: He demands not only that we believe (for even the demons believe James 2:19) but also follow His Word.

V2-5. Find three ways in these verses in which Christ is said to excel Moses. Answer: Jesus excel or exceed Moses?? Jesus found to have greater honor than Moses. House builder has greater honor than house. Jesus is “equated” to God and since God created everything Jesus is said to have more honor than Moses. Moses was a servant, while Christ is a son making Him higher than Moses. Christ is over God’s house, while Moses is in the house.

V1. As ‘Apostle’ Jesus was sent from God to men to reveal; as ‘High Priest’ he offered himself for men to God to redeem and to reconcile. Cf. 1:1, 2a, 3b; 2:3, 17; 4:14; 5:1; 8:1.
V2-6. ‘God’s house’: this refers to God’s people or household, not to the tabernacle or temple. Now it is we Christians who are God’s house. Our heavenly calling makes us ‘holy brothers’ in God’s family.

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