
Jul 21, 2010

July 21, 2010 Lesson 10 of Hebrews 8

V 1-6. Jews were used to seeing Levitical priests fulfill their ministry in an earthly sanctuary. As Christians they need to appreciate that Christ’s ministry is different and ‘much more excellent’ (v 6). In what ways is this true? What is the significance of his being already seated at the right hand of God’s throne (V1)? Cf. 10:10-14; 4:14-16; Eph 4:8. Answer: Christ’s priesthood is far more excellent because He reigns from the tabernacle built by God in heaven, His sacrifice is forever (no beginning or end), He is greater than Aaron, Abraham, and all those before Him, and His sacrifice is for everyone (not just Jew).

V7-13. Why did the first covenant fail? Was there anything wrong with it? In contrast to it, in what ways does the new covenant meet our need, give us ‘better promises’ (V6), and make success certain? Answer: People were wrong with the first covenant. Israel/ Jews are still God’s covenant people and He tried to use them to spread His word throughout the world. However, they became too engrossed in the “me”.

Note. V10-12. Experimental progress into the enjoyment of the blessings of the new covenant is best appreciated from the bottom to the top as: a) forgiveness of sins, b) personal knowledge of the Lord, c) covenant relation to him, d) the indwelling Spirit turning the external restraint of the law into an internal constraint to do God’s will.

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