
Jul 3, 2010

July 3, 2010 Lesson 12 of Leviticus 17

There are two main instructions in this portion: first, that all domestic animals which are to be killed shall be brought to the tabernacle (v3-9); and second, that no blood must be eaten (v10-16). The former of these instructions points to a time when animals were not killed except in connection with worship of some kind.

What would this first instruction (v3-9) teach Israel about God? Where is it suggested in these verses that this instruction is directed against idolatrous worship? Answer: The first instruction is to bring the sacrifice to the place it is to be sacrificed. Don’t sacrifice your goat, ox, or bird in the field when you are commanded to do it at the Tent of Meeting or the altar. To sacrifice outside this area is the same, as I understand, as idol worship.

Why was the eating of blood so strictly forbidden? See verse 11 in particular. What is the significance of this for us? Answer: Blood is the life of the animal. It is that blood that is used to atone for sins. Eating/ drinking that blood is forbidden, just as taking the life of another. Today yesterday, and for all time Christ died to cover all sins (Heb 10:10; 9:11-28). It is for this reason that the blood of animals is no longer needed for sacrifice. It is for this reason that we can eat the meat of these animals for Christ said that it is not what enters the mouth but what comes out of it that makes him unholy (Acts 1:1-23; Mat 15:1-20; 1 Tim 4:3-5).

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