
Jul 26, 2010

July 26, 2010 Lesson 15 of Hebrews 11:1-22

Faith deals with things unseen and things future, and, in particular, with the living God and his faith doing (v1,6). It is sure of the present reality of the one, and of the coming fulfillment of the other. Notice in detail how these characteristics of faith were exhibited in the lives of the individual mentioned here. What does this teach me I need to desire if my life is to please God. Answer: It teaches me that it is by faith we are saved! Not by might or power or works. It is the faith in God, faith in Christ Jesus and believing that He is the only way to God. Without faith our belief is really nothing. Despite the daily sacrifices of the Old Testament (only temporary coverings of sin) verse 2 shows us that it was faith that the “ancients were commended for.”

V7-16. To what should faith in God pay attention, and what does its full expression involve? Where is the crowning fulfillment of its hopes to be enjoyed? How should such awareness affect my present outlook, action, and attitude to life? Answer: Faith, being that assurance of things hoped for, should continue to keep its eye on the promise. Noah and Abraham both did, as described in this passage. We too should keep our “eye on the prize” in that we too will one day live forever with God in heaven!!

V17-19. What apparent contradiction was involved (as Abraham at first was it) between God’s promise and God’s command concerning Isaac? How did Abraham’s faith in God triumph over this test, and what new hope did Abraham have in God? Answer: The contradiction is that God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations through his son Isaac. To sacrifice Isaac would have meant the end to that. However, God (like always for those who have faith in Him) provided to Abraham an appropriate sacrifice.

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