
Jul 28, 2010

July 28, 2010 Lesson 17 of Hebrews 12:1-17

V1-4. What quality does the Christian race particularly demand? What conditions must be fulfilled if it is to be run successfully? How can I gain the help I need to finish the course? Answer: running the race requires perseverance/ endurance! As I understand the second question based on this passage the conditions needing to be met is Christ’s endurance of the cross and our belief in Him.

V5-11. For what purpose does God in his providence order some of the earthly experience to his children? What goal has he in view for us? On what kind of response from us does our full enjoyment of benefit depend? Answer: God disciples us like our earthly fathers (or mother depending on the situation) have to, in order to teach us lessons. Lessons that will help us grow into what He (or he if we are talking about our earthly father) wants us to be, a transforming process. The fulfillment depends on our acceptance of that discipline. If we rebel it will be of little use, except to frustrate.

V12-17 What dangers beset those who are spiritually slack and careless? How may a whole group be affected by one renegade? What particular steeps to avoid these dangers are (either explicitly or implicitly) given here? Answer: Those who are careless may lose all their reward. Esau did sell his inheritance for only a bowl of soup (talk about careless) causing many to suffer out of lack of blessing and frustration.

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