
Jul 19, 2010

July 19, 2010 Lesson 8 of Hebrews 7:1-14

V 1-10. On what grounds is Melchizedek said to be greater than Abraham and consequently superior to the Levitical priesthood? By what the scriptural record both does and does not tell us about him, in what ways is Melchizedek made to resemble the Son of God? Answer: Melchizedek 1) has not family (no father mother, or genealogy; v3), 2) His name means king of peace or king of Salem (Jerusalem), 3) He was greater, receiving the tithe from Abraham.

V 11-14. Why could not Jesus possibly be a priest after the order of Aaron? What does the promise in the Old Testament of a new order of priesthood (see Ps 110:4) imply concerning the existing Levitical priesthood? If the priesthood is changed, what must inevitably be changed as well? Answer: OK this is new to me. I am confused as to all of this. I know Jesus is descended from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David. I don’t understand how Jesus is also out of the order of Melchizedek. I understand that Melchizedek is a different line than Aaron. Aaronic Priesthood is of the Law, while Melchizedek is not. I will be excited to Pastor Troy’s response.

V1. ‘This Melchizedek was king … and priest’: among the Israelites these two offices were never held by the same person.
V 2. ‘First… righteousness, then… peace’: Cf. Is 32:17.
V 12. The priesthood was so fundamental to the old covenant between God and his people, that any change in the order of priesthood must of necessity involve a change in the whole constitution; i.e., it implies nothing less than an accompanying new, and indeed better, covenant. See 7:22.

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