V 1-10. In what respects did the earthly sanctuary and its ceremonies come short, and for what reasons? Answer: The earthly tabernacle was made by and ran by men. It was not built by the Most High God as is the one in heaven. It is also run by earthly priests that made atonement for the people once a year; while Christ’s priesthood makes this a continual atonement all people of all time. Even though these priests of Old Testament times performed these ceremonial atonements, it was not until Christ became the sacrifice for our sins that they were truly covered.
V11-15. In what ways is the ministry which Christ fulfilled superior to, and more effective then, the Levitical ceremonies? List its far reaching consequences. Answer: His own blood is perfect, just as He is, allowing Him to enter without needing the sacrificial blood of goats or lambs. Christ is clean both inside and out.
V 9. ‘Clear the conscience’: i.e., free it from guilt and defilement, or ‘cleanse’ it (v14).
V12. The Greek does not say that Christ took bleed into God’s presence, liked the Levitical high priest took blood into the inner shrine (v6). Rather he entered ‘through’ his own blood, i.e. on the ground of His death or shed blood. For by this the veil had been rent that had shut men out. Cf. Mark 15:37, 38; Heb 10:19-22.
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