
Jul 31, 2010

July 31, 2010 Lesson 20 of Hebrews 13:9-25

What decisive choice and action are demanded here of the first readers of this epistle between their old Jewish associations and their new Christian allegiance? What comparable choices do those who wish to follow Christ still have to make today? Answer: Again, like yesterday I am having trouble answering. I will tell you what I am seeing in this section and I hope it answers the question. What I see first is a turning of away from ceremonial things such as foods. Second I see Jesus’ death being compared to the old sacrifices to show how His death atones for our sins. I see a command to offer a sacrifice of praise. I see a plea to “obey your leaders and submit to authority” in v17. This is much different than v7. V7 is trying to get one to imitate the faith of the old leaders, while 17 is trying to get one to follow the new leaders under the new covenant.

V 15, 16,20, 21. What can we count on God to do for us, and why? What is the purpose in view? What sacrifices can we now offer in God’s service? How far is this purpose finding fulfillment in my life? Answer: Again, not sure but I will answer as best I can. V15-16 it tells us to sacrifice by praising God and helping others. Going back to Romans 12:1, “Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God –this is your spiritual act of worship.” As in the Old Testament this is not a sacrifice for atonement, but of worship, a fragrance offering. Ps 7:17, 51:17; sacrifices showing a humble heart. V20-21 is showing how those of us who humble ourselves and make our lives a sacrifice, as in 15-16, then God will be pleased and equip you with what you need to allow Him to work through us.

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