
Jul 30, 2010

July 30, 2010 Lesson 19 of Hebrews 13:1-8

List in detail the various aspects of Christian duty which are enjoined or implied here. Examine our own life and circumstances in order to discover way in which your practical obedience in demanded. Answer: 1) Love each other as brothers, 2) entertain strangers, 3) remember those in prison, 4) Marriage should be honored and kept pure, 5) keep free from the love of money, and 6) remember your leaders (i.e Moses, Abraham) and imitate them.

V5, 6, 8. What makes the Christian adequate to face every possible circumstance? Why is there for them nothing to fear, and no-one who can really harm them? What use can they make of the Old Testament Scriptures for the encouragement? Answer: The Christian is adequate to face whatever life throws at them because we believe in the Son of God that fulfills these verses. Christ is our rock and foundation. V5 comes from Deut 31:6, 8 while V6 comes from Ps118:6

V7. In what ways should Christian leaders, whose life on earth has ended, be remembered? Answer: They should be remembered and imitated.

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