Aug 23, 2010
August 23, 2010 Lesson 22 of Numbers 30
How does this chapter show our responsibility in speech? Cf. Matt 5:33-37; 12:36. Answer: a vow, I believe, is deeper than a promise. The person who vows something to another will complete that vow really unto death. Promises, especially in today’s world, are too easily broken. So yes speech matters a great deal. “Careless words” as Matt 12:36 points out are going to have to be answered for on the day of judgment.
Do you think the woman’s relationship to father and husband should be viewed as merely local Israelite custom, or is there an implied principle that holds in the twentieth century too? Answer: I think that in the husband wife relationship this should still be the case. However, before everyone flips a switch let me add that the same should be in the opposite situation. The couple are one. Each decision should be agreed upon by both husband and wife. The daughter father thing I think yes, goes without saying. Until 18 the daughter is still under the complete authority of the father.
Aug 21, 2010
August 21, 2010 Lesson 20 of Numbers 27 and 36. Laws of inheritance
What was the principle laying behind the request of the daughters of Zelophehad, and to what did the request lead? What was the important of all this? Answer: They made the point that yes their father did die in the desert, however he was not one who sinned with Korah. For this reason they feel that, and God and Moses agreed, they should be entitled to their fathers land as an inheritance since there were no sons. The reason God commanded this, is that each fathers land was to remain in his own tribe. So, since the land went where the man of the house was from the daughters had to marry within their father’s clan.
What was Moses’ overriding concern before his death? How was Joshua’s commission different from that of Moses? Was it inferior? Answer: Moses’ concern was that of most good leaders, who will succeed me? God gave Moses that answer in Joshua. I am not sure how Joshua’s commission is any different than that of Moses, at least not from this passage. I see that Joshua will bring them into the Promised Land, that in some ways may be a bigger commission.
Aug 20, 2010
August 20, 2010 Lesson 19 of Numbers 25 and 26
Chapter 25. Why was God’s anger so fierce against the sins of his people? Cf. 1 Cor 10:6-12. In this situation what two complementary concerns stirred Phinehas to action? Who likewise was moved to action on our account by similar concerns? Answer: Not only had the Israelites spent way too much time “bucking” the will of God, they now had gone and broken the first of the ten commandments; though shall have no other gods before me. First it was the blatant disregard for God’s commands by the people, and then in the middle of the assembly an Israelite, Zimri, took a Midianite woman, Cozbi, to his tent.
Chapter 26. Compare the numbering in chapter 1. This is a new generation. See. Verses 64, 65. Notice which tribes had increased and which decreased. What explains the survival of Caleb and Joshua? Answer: The probably easiest one to answer without even reading the chapter is that Caleb and Joshua survived because they were to the two spies that brought back the correct and faithful report regarding the Promised Land. Once counted land would be divided amongst them according to size.
Note: 25:1-5. Num 31:16 and Rev 2:14 reveal that these developments were due to Balaam’s activities. The Israelites were seduced into idolatry and immorality.
Aug 19, 2010
August 19, 2010 Lesson 18 of Numbers 23 and 24 (second study)
What can we learn from Balaam about the demands of being a spokesman for God, and a steward of minister of his Word? Note carefully the answers which Balaam gives to Balak’s suggestions. Cf. 1 Cor 9:16-17. Answer: I do see that one more than one occasion Balaam is telling Balak, or his princes, that he must only say what God tells him to say or do. Balaam cannot and will not curse the people of Israel if God does not tell him to, and guess what God isn’t going to. The 1 Cor passage I find interesting considering this story. It is obvious that God is working through Balaam and that Balaam understands that there is a more powerful God in world than any other god. Paul points out here exactly how Balaam is behaving. Balaam is carrying out, or “discharges,” the “trust committed to” him.
23:19. What is said here to make God’s words different in character from those of men? When God gives us his word, of what else can we be sure? Cf. 1 Thess. 5:24. Answer: God never lies, never promises what He cannot deliver.
Aug 18, 2010
August 18, 2010 Lesson 17 of Numbers 23 and 24 (first study)
Two studies are to be give to these chapters. On this occasion concentrate attention on Balaam’s oracles. Make a list of the statements in them which indicate God’s special purpose for, and care of, the people of Israel. Answer:
Ch 23
V8 How can I curse those whom God has not cursed
V20 I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot change it.
V21 No misfortune is seen I Jacob, no misery in Israel. The Lord their God is with them; the shout of the King is among them.
V22 God brought them out of Egypt; they have the strength of a wild ox.
V24 The people rise like a lioness; they rouse themselves like a lion that does not rest till he devours his prey and drinks the blood of his victims.
Ch 24
5-7 How beautiful are your tents, oh Jacob, your dwelling places, oh Israel. 6 Like the valleys they spread out, like gardens beside a river…7Water will flow from their buckets; their seed will have abundant water. “Their king will be greater than Agag; their kingdom will be exalted.”
9 Like a lion they crouch and lie down, like a lioness –who dares to rouse them? “May those who bless you be blessed and those who curse you be cursed.”
18-19. Edom will be conquered; Seir, his enemy, will be conquered, but Israel will grow strong. 19 A ruler will come out of Jacob and destroy the survivors of the city.
Seek to appreciate the full significance of each one of these statements. What were the grounds of Balaam’s assurance of Israel’s victory and success? What similar grounds have we for thankfulness of wonder? Cf. e.g. 1 Pet 2:9-10. Answer: Balaam’s assurance comes from God. Balaam sees this when he says that God has opened his eyes.
Note. 23:10. ‘The righteous’: the word is plural, and refers here to the Israelites.
Aug 17, 2010
August 17, 2010 Lesson 16 of Numbers 22. The story of Balaam
This is a difficult story. Before tackling it, it will probably be helpful to read 2 Pet 2:15, 16; Jude 11; Num 31:16 and Rev 2:14, which give a clue as to Balaam’s true character and motives.
Balaam’s influence and relationship to God are interesting. Think about them. Consider also Moab’s fear in the face of Israel’s advance. What does this show concerning the ways in which God works? Answer: I am not sure how this story ends, but if it is one thing I have learned is God is sovereign. He can stop anything that He wants any time He wants. He can cause anything to happen that He wants to happen. God uses this sovereignty to, in this story, make the donkey talk and open Balaam’s eyes to the angel of God.
What was the ‘chink’ in Balaam’s armor? Why did his ‘guidance’ seem all confused after that? Contrast v12 with verses 20, 22, 32, 35. What ought we to learn from his failure? Do you think Rom 14:22b, 23 and 1 Tim 6:9, 10 give us a similar warning? Answer: I am confused here. I do see the failure of Balaam, in that despite knowing and saying what he knows God commands he still eats the sacrificed animal. Other than that the only ‘chink’ that I see is that Balaam did not understand the seriousness of the situation. He only understood once the angel of God appeared to him with the donkey. Then, as I stated before, he ate the sacrificed foods. He still wants the riches, it appears. Having said that, yes, I think that the 2 other passages give very similar warnings.
Aug 16, 2010
August 16, 2010 Lesson 15 of Numbers 21. Conquest of the Amorite Kings
Israel’s reaction to adversity gets a little monotonous (v5), and it’s easy to say, ‘Why cannot they learn to trust God?’ But are not we often as unbelieving? Notice how Jesus uses this story (v6-9) as a ‘type’ in John 3:14, 15. What parallels are there in condition of the afflicted and in the means of salvation in each case? Why a serpent on the pole? Cf. 2 Cor 5:21. Answer: I am not sure why Israel could not learn to have faith in God. However, we do just the same. I am not sure why. Maybe it is as Paul says in Romans 7: 15 “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do--this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. 21 So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23 but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God--through Jesus Christ our LORD! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.” I know that I have heard others talk of the snake on the pole and it being a ‘type’. However, I don’t recall, and can’t find, what that is right now.
It is worth tracing Israel’s journey on a map from 20:1 onwards. Notice how circuitous it was. What evidence is there, as against 20:2,3 and 21:4, 5, that Israel was learning trust and obedience through discipline? What discipline? Cf. Deut 8:2. Answer: Israel was, I believe being disciplined for their unbelief, I am not sure how it tells us here that they are really learning anything. Each time they are “disgruntled” and then God sends in the punishment.
Aug 15, 2010
August 15, 2010 Lesson 14 of Numbers 20
Notice Moses’ and Aaron’s reaction to the people’s discontent (V6). What did God desire to achieve through this incident? See V 6, 8, 12. How did Moses and Aaron fail, and in what terms is their failure described? See verses 10, 12, 24; cf. 27:14; Deut 32:15. Answer: He was hoping to bring them closer to Him. They failed in that they more or less sided with the people and did not put their full faith in Him at this moment.
God’s anger with Moses and Aaron may at first seem to us out of proportion to the extent of their failure. What ought we to learn from this? What ought we also learn from the fact that ‘rash words’ (Ps. 106:33) come from ‘humble’ (12:3) Moses’ lips? Answer: I think of this as if we are all children. We know what we should not do and how we should treat one another in order to show God’s love. Do we all ways do that; no. I am sure that our kids many times think that our punishment is too drastic for the crime. But seeing the bigger picture allows us to effectively rear our children. This is what God does for us as well!
Aug 14, 2010
August 14, 2010 Lesson 13 of Numbers 18:8-19:22
What does 18:8-32 teach us about offerings that are holy and belong by right to God? Answer: I am not sure how to answer this question based on the passage. I see, in this passage, God giving the Levites the honor of partaking of the meat, wine, and other items used in the sacrifice as “payment” for their service to the temple (as noted in v21). God does give to us, and in our obedience does provide much more back to us. Other than that I am not sure how to answer this question.
What are the special features of the sacrifice described in 19:1-10? Note the use to which the ashes were put (19:9, 12, 17-19). What are the ‘dead works’ from which we need to be purified? Answer: The priest does not lay his hand on the cow’s head and it is slaughtered outside the city. Everyone who comes in contact with any part of the cow is considered unclean and must perform the ceremonies to become clean again. The dead works are our sins.
18:19. ‘An everlasting covenant of salt’ :i.e., and indissoluble covenant. Cf. 2 Chr 13:5.
19:9,12, 17-19. The cleansing virture of the sacrifice already made was thus symbolically stored up and applied, as need arose, to the unclean. Cf. Heb 9:13, 14; 1 John 1:7-9.
Aug 13, 2010
August 13, 2010 Lesson 12 of Numbers 16:36-18:7
How is the exclusive Aaronite priesthood strengthened and confirmed? What does the service of the priesthood involve? Notice especially 16:48, and compare the work of Christ as great High Priest. Cf. Heb 5:1, 9, 10; 7:25-28; 9:11, 12, 26. Answer: It is further confirmed by the staff with Aaron’s name on it to grow, bud, and produce almonds. God does not need to prove to man what He has chosen for Himself, however, like a great parent likes to show His children the Way. The main call of the priest was, as 16:48 points out, to stand between the living and the dead. The priest was to be that connection between God and man, giving us the ability to stand holy and righteous before God. This is exactly what Christ has done for us today.
How could our service be transformed by thinking of it as a gift (18:7)? Cf. 1 Tim1:12-14; 2 Tim 1:6. Answer: Our service is a gift in that we could not do any of it without first receiving the ability from God.
Aug 12, 2010
August 12, 2010 Lesson 11 of Numbers 16:1-35
There is evidence here of a double revolt: one by Korah (a Levite) ‘and all is company’ against Moses and Aaron; and one by Dathan and Abiram (Reubenites) against Moses. What was the ground of complaint in each case? See 16:3 and 16:13-14. To what extent was it justified? Cf. Heb 5:4; 2Cor 10:18. Answer: I am not sure that I see it as a “double revolt.” I see it as both things together pushed them over the edge. They (those speaking out against Moses here) saw Egypt as a land flowing with milk and honey compared to where they are now. In addition they saw Moses’ behavior as one of superiority. They obviously did not understand Moses. [Before I read Heb. 5:4 and 2 Cor 10:18 let me try this one on for size. As Christians we are to look at one another and help one another stay on track with the Word. In that regard we are to sometimes question things that are not in line with the Word and God. This is a bit different in that these men were obviously sinning against the Lord. Now for the other passages. ] The passages show that man does not choose, but it is God who chooses.
What lay behind the revolts that made them serious enough to warrant so drastic a punishment and warning to the people? See especially verses 11, 19, 28, 30. Answer: it was an outright direct sin against the Lord. These men were trying to disrupt and redirect the Israelites away from the will of God.
Note. Verse 1. That such men should lead an open revolt against the authority of Moses and Aaron meant that it was a very serious outbreak of discontent.
Aug 11, 2010
August 11, 2010 Lesson 10 of Numbers 15. Religious laws
What do verses 1-21 teach us about making offerings which are pleasing to God? Answer: The grain offering here is to be connected with the burnt offering by timing (they are to be brought together) and amount (the NIV points out that as the animal grows in size so does the grain offering). The burnt offering is worship, seeking atonement for unintentional sins, expresses devotion and commitment to God. While the grain offering shows worship and thankfulness for God’s provisions. To me this shows that atonement must come with thankfulness. First thing coming to my mind is the B-attitudes.
Why was there no way of atonement for the person who sinned ‘defiantly’? What does this mean? Cf. Mark 3:28-29; Heb 10:26-31, 39; Ps 19:13. Answer: The only unforgiveable sin is to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. Though the Spirit was not on the earth at this point He did still exist as part of the Trinity in Heaven. To blaspheme God is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, the one unforgivable sin. Am I going out on a limb too far?? Is that what the answer is??
Notice by whom the deliberate law-breaker had to be dealt with and in what way Cf. Cf. Matt 18:15-17; 1 Cor 5; Heb 12:15. Why is such church discipline so little practiced? Answer: The people were to deal with him. They were to cut him off.
Note. V38. ‘Tassels’: these were made of twisted thread and attached by a blue ribbon to the robe, to remind the wearer of the commandments of the Lord, and of his obligation to keep them.
Aug 10, 2010
August 10, 2010 Lesson 9 of Numbers 14:10-45
What can we learn from Moses’ prayer, especially concerning governing motives and grounds of appeal to God? Answer: The grounds of Moses’ argument were that to the Egyptians, God would not look competent. It would appear that God was not able to deliver on His promises if He destroyed them in the desert. He reminds God (not that God really needs reminding) that He is a God that is slow to anger and disciplines his children.
Although forgiven, the people suffered the consequences of their sin. How? In what way do they show themselves throughout this story (Num 13 and 14) to typical of us? Answer: The current generation (those over 20) who had “grumbled against” the Lord were not going to be allowed to enter the Promised Land. This is a pretty good picture of us many times. We don’t always follow God’s plan for our life, or we too grumble on the way there, and this causes us to miss out on lots of God’s blessings in our own lives.
Aug 9, 2010
August 9, 2010 Lesson 8 of Numbers 13:1-14:10a. The spies are sent into the Land.
To what places in Canaan did the spies go? Look up Hebron and the Valley of Eshcol on a map. What were they commissioned to discover, and what report did they give? Answer: The spies reported what they feared in their heart. They reported that there were giants who could easily defeat them. They lost faith in God that He would help them through any battle. They were promised the land, and yet they didn’t have the faith needed to bring back positive report. They did report, however, positively about the fruits of the land.
What lay behind the opposing views expressed in 13:30 and 31? Were Caleb and Joshua being unrealistically optimistic and refusing to face facts? What was the outcome of the people’s fear and unbelief? Notice how few believed, and the frequent occurrence of the word ‘all’ in 14:1-10. Cf. Heb 4:1-2. Answer: Caleb and Joshua had not lost faith in God, which prompted their report that it was possible to defeat the people in the land. This “negativism” spread in the camp.
Note: 13:32. ‘The land we explored devours those living in it’: this probably refers to the constant wars between its people, and their ferocity in internecine strife.
Aug 8, 2010
August 8, 2010 Lesson 7 of Numbers 11 and 12. Complaints
What different attitudes are shown here by the people, the rabble, Joshua, Miriam and Aaron, and Moses? How does Moses stand out as ‘different’? Answer: Moses is at his wits end, so to speak. He understands how God has blessed them and how He loves them. The rabble are pot stirrers. They are causing dissent within the camp. Joshua is trying to protect what Moses has (the gift of prophecy from the Lord), while Moses wants everyone to have the same blessing he does. Miriam and Aaron stood against Moses, and therefore stood against God. Moses cared for them and followed Aaron’s wishes to ask God to heal her.
How did God ‘deal’ with the various complaints made? Answer: God answered the complaints but at the same time punished the Israelites for their disbelief.
Note; 12:3. ‘Humble’: Not concerned for their own interests of prestige, and so able to pay ono attention to the unfair attacks on themselves.
Aug 7, 2010
August 7, 2010 Lesson 6 of Numbers 9:15-10:36. The journey begins again
Israel was made very sure of God’s guidance. Without the actual symbols of cloud and fire, can we claim the same assurance? Cf. Acts 16:6-10; Rom 8:14. Why the repetition of the words ‘at the Lord’s command’? Answer: We can claim the same assurance through the Holy Spirit. The repetition reminds us that God is truly in control of all movements.
Notice the correspondences and the differences between 10:14-28 and 2:3-31. What is there in chapter 10 to show that, although God led and protected the children of Israel, he did not expect them to be utterly passive and to do nothing for themselves? Answer: The passage in Ch10 shows actual movement. If there is more than that, and I am sure there is, I don’t see it. I have a hard time with all the names, not to mention names I don’t know or can’t pronounce. I do see that God intended the Israelites, through His guidance, to move to the Promised Land.
What was the significance of the trumpets (10:1-10)? Cf Lev 23:24; Num 29:1. It has been said, ‘When God remembers, he acts’. Cf. Gen 8:1; 19:29; 30:22. Answer: Well I want to start by saying that I am glad the He doesn’t forget. The trumpets are more for declaring the Lord to us and those we are in conflict with.
Note:10:35-36. These were the words uttered publicly by Moses at the beginning and end of each day’s journey. Note their expression of dependence on God’s protection and desire for his abiding presence.
Notice the correspondences and the differences between 10:14-28 and 2:3-31. What is there in chapter 10 to show that, although God led and protected the children of Israel, he did not expect them to be utterly passive and to do nothing for themselves? Answer: The passage in Ch10 shows actual movement. If there is more than that, and I am sure there is, I don’t see it. I have a hard time with all the names, not to mention names I don’t know or can’t pronounce. I do see that God intended the Israelites, through His guidance, to move to the Promised Land.
What was the significance of the trumpets (10:1-10)? Cf Lev 23:24; Num 29:1. It has been said, ‘When God remembers, he acts’. Cf. Gen 8:1; 19:29; 30:22. Answer: Well I want to start by saying that I am glad the He doesn’t forget. The trumpets are more for declaring the Lord to us and those we are in conflict with.
Note:10:35-36. These were the words uttered publicly by Moses at the beginning and end of each day’s journey. Note their expression of dependence on God’s protection and desire for his abiding presence.
Aug 6, 2010
August 6, 2010 Lesson 5 of Numbers 8:1-9:14
Chapter 8 is a re-assertion of the ‘separatedness’ of the Levities. How was this made clear to Israel? What is a wave offering? Cf Lev 10:15; 23:20; a probable meaning is ‘contribution’. What was the relationship of the Levites to God, priests and people respectively? Answer: A wave offering, from, is the “rite, together with that of "heaving" or "raising" the offering was an inseparable accompaniment of peace.” The Levites were taken unto God as the first born, servants to the priests and temple, and set apart from the people.
9:1-14. How is the importance of the Passover shown here? Cf. Exod. 12:24-27. What are we to learn from this? Answer: They are performing the Passover even when out in the desert. Location need not dictate where the ceremonies of the Lord are to be carried out. Not much different today. God is everywhere.
What do we see here of Moses’ way of exercising leadership? How did he deal with practical problems when individuals brought them to him? Answer: He took them to the Lord
9:1-14. How is the importance of the Passover shown here? Cf. Exod. 12:24-27. What are we to learn from this? Answer: They are performing the Passover even when out in the desert. Location need not dictate where the ceremonies of the Lord are to be carried out. Not much different today. God is everywhere.
What do we see here of Moses’ way of exercising leadership? How did he deal with practical problems when individuals brought them to him? Answer: He took them to the Lord
Aug 5, 2010
August 5, 2010 Lesson 4 of Numbers 6:23-7:89 Dedication of the Tabernacle
What did it mean for Aaron and his sons to ‘put’ God’s name ‘on the Israelites’? How did the blessing effect this? See Deut 28:9, 10; Dan 9:18, 19, and cf. 1 Cor 6:11; 2 Cor 13:14. Answer: I am not sure how to answer this (boy, oh boy, this is a hard book).
Notice how often the words ‘offering’ of ‘dedication offering’ are used in ch 7. The solemnity is emphasized by repetition. In what way is 7:89 a fitting climax to this ‘build up’? What did it all mean to Israel? Do we ‘offer’ to God in this atmosphere of reverence? What similar climax can we expect when we thus approach God? Cf. Heb 3:7; 4:16. Answer: It all meant that as Israel had faith they would be in His will. Faith allows us to enter into His grace and be blessed, as the conferring passages point out. The Heb 3:7 is the beginning of an exposition of Ps 95:7-11. The rest of the passage points out what happens in the opposite situation. It shows how God is angry if one does not have faith in God and receives His blessing.
Aug 4, 2010
August 4, 2010 Lesson 3 of Numbers 5:1-6:21
Many of the civil and religious laws of Israel and the rites connected with them are hard for us to understand. They may seem strangely abhorrent, sometimes inhumane or quasimagical in character. It is important to bear in mind: a) the authority of the priest is every sphere of Israel’s life, including that of cleanliness and hygiene, which were as much a part of ‘religious’ ceremony as the worship in the tabernacle; b) the background of religious rites common to the whole of the ancient Near East and used by Israel, though transformed both by her faith in the one true God, and in order to make them usable in his worship; and c) the need that this new, God chosen nation should be constantly reminded of the holiness and moral demands of her God.
What sort of people were to be ‘put out’ of the camp, and why? Cf. Lev 13:46; 15:31. What interests of humanitarian justice are satisfied in the commands of 5:11-31? These seem like purely magical rites, but note verse 16, 18, 21, and 30. Answer: Those ceremonially unclean; i.e. those who have come in contact with the dead or discharge or have a discharge. The tabernacle, the dwelling place of God, is to remain clean and for this reason uncleanness is to be kept out and away. The interest of humanitarian justice covered in the later part of this chapter is faithfulness to one’s spouse. If nothing else this will prevent the spread of those things causing a discharge, making one unclean. However, it it really more than that superficial reason. God intends for use to be married and happy to one person all our life, just as we are the bride of Christ.
How did the Nazirite’s separation to God find expression? What was the point of it all, since it was apparently not an act of service that could be offered to God as acceptable in and of itself apart for the regular offerings of the tabernacle? See 6:14-15; and Cf. Lev 1-7 for details. How far is there a similar challenge to consecration confronting the believer in Christ? Cf. Heb 9:10-14; Rom 12:1-2. Answer:
Aug 3, 2010
August 3, 2010 Lesson 2 of Numbers 3 and 4; Work of the Levities
Ok these type of questions are really hard for me. I will give this a shot and then look at Pastor Troy’s later today. He made far better sense yesterday than I did. After reading it I thought, Duh!
For background details concerning the tribe of Levi, see Exod, 6:16-25; 32:25-29; Lev 10.
How was the work assigned to the Levites divided between the three ‘families’ of the tribe? How, if at all, might the command ‘each to his task’ (4:49) apply to Christians? Do these two chapters throw any light on the possible implications of such a command? See especially 3:5-10, 25, 31, 36, 45; 4:46-49. Answer: It was assigned by sections so that each one knew what his job would be. I think that our lives are symbolically like the temple work here. Each person is given gifts from God to do the work of the Church. Each of these gifts is given to us by God to help those inside the Church and bring those outside the Church into the love of God.
Whom did the Levities represent? Why did the first born belong to God? What does ‘redemption’ mean in this context? Is there a New Testament counterpart that involves us? Answer: Not sure here at all. This was touched on a bit yesterday, if I recall, but I don’t understand the first born belonging to God concept. I need some further research on this.
How does 4:1-20 bring out the ‘frighteningly’ sacred character of the tabernacle? Cf. 1:51b, 53; 2 Sam 6:6-11; Rev 4:8. What truths does this illustrate and enforce? Answer: It shows how those things inside the inner chamber are to be kept from the sight of everyone except the high priests. Again I am at a loss.
For background details concerning the tribe of Levi, see Exod, 6:16-25; 32:25-29; Lev 10.
How was the work assigned to the Levites divided between the three ‘families’ of the tribe? How, if at all, might the command ‘each to his task’ (4:49) apply to Christians? Do these two chapters throw any light on the possible implications of such a command? See especially 3:5-10, 25, 31, 36, 45; 4:46-49. Answer: It was assigned by sections so that each one knew what his job would be. I think that our lives are symbolically like the temple work here. Each person is given gifts from God to do the work of the Church. Each of these gifts is given to us by God to help those inside the Church and bring those outside the Church into the love of God.
Whom did the Levities represent? Why did the first born belong to God? What does ‘redemption’ mean in this context? Is there a New Testament counterpart that involves us? Answer: Not sure here at all. This was touched on a bit yesterday, if I recall, but I don’t understand the first born belonging to God concept. I need some further research on this.
How does 4:1-20 bring out the ‘frighteningly’ sacred character of the tabernacle? Cf. 1:51b, 53; 2 Sam 6:6-11; Rev 4:8. What truths does this illustrate and enforce? Answer: It shows how those things inside the inner chamber are to be kept from the sight of everyone except the high priests. Again I am at a loss.
Aug 2, 2010
August 2, 2010 Lesson 1 of Numbers 1 and 2. Numbering and order of the tribes
Israel’s immediate future was to be characterized by war and worship. How is this shown in chapter 1? Can the two be separated in the daily life of the Christian? Cf. 2 Cor 10:3-6; Eph 6:10-13. Answer: I see that the two were indeed separate. Every tribe was ordered to count and prepare all men over 20 for war, except for the Levites. The Levities were to be the “keepers” of the tabernacle and all its furnishings. They were not to prepare for war. In addition all the tribes were to camp near the tabernacle, while the other tribes made a defensive perimeter around the tabernacle.
What point is there in the detailed ordering of the tribes as given in chapter 2? What are the central and governing interests? Cf. 1Cor 12:7, 11, 12; 14:40. Answer: The purpose is to keep order, but more importantly let the body know what each of their purposes are (not unlike the body of Christ today). The reason for the detail; I am not totally sure. I do see, through the study Bible, that ch2 does have a nice structure of its own. It lays out the East side, the South side, the Tabernacle and the Levites, the West side, and finally the North side in that order.
Aug 1, 2010
August 1, 2010 Lesson 21 of Hebrews Revision
Review the doctrinal teaching of this epistle. See the Introduction and Analysis. List the ways in which what is ours under the new covenant is better than the things that the Israelites enjoyed under the old covenant. What do we have to do to gain full possession of these benefits? Why is rejection of them so serious? Answer: First let me say that believing that Jesus is the one true way to God is the only way to get the full possession of these benefits. Rejection of that belief is a sure fire way to get sent straight to hell. There is no pretty politically correct way to put it. God is a loving God, however, His standard is high. We must be made full righteous in order to stand in front of Him. The only way to be made righteous is to believe Jesus is the Son of God and ask for forgiveness of your sins. This is probably the biggest way in which the new covenant is different from the old. Under the old their faith and belief made them righteous and the blood of animals were a temporary covering of their sins. Because this covering was temporary the sacrificial ritual had to be done over and over daily. With the new covenant we are forgiven once and for all. 1) we don’t need to sacrifice animals, 2) the covering is permanent.
Consider the positive exhortations to be found in the following passages: 2:1; 4:1, 14, 16; 10:22-24; 12:1, 28; 13: 17, 22. Which of these exhortations do I particularly need to hear and to act on? Answer: Probably the exhortation in 2:1; the exhortation to pay attention.
Jul 31, 2010
July 31, 2010 Lesson 20 of Hebrews 13:9-25
What decisive choice and action are demanded here of the first readers of this epistle between their old Jewish associations and their new Christian allegiance? What comparable choices do those who wish to follow Christ still have to make today? Answer: Again, like yesterday I am having trouble answering. I will tell you what I am seeing in this section and I hope it answers the question. What I see first is a turning of away from ceremonial things such as foods. Second I see Jesus’ death being compared to the old sacrifices to show how His death atones for our sins. I see a command to offer a sacrifice of praise. I see a plea to “obey your leaders and submit to authority” in v17. This is much different than v7. V7 is trying to get one to imitate the faith of the old leaders, while 17 is trying to get one to follow the new leaders under the new covenant.
V 15, 16,20, 21. What can we count on God to do for us, and why? What is the purpose in view? What sacrifices can we now offer in God’s service? How far is this purpose finding fulfillment in my life? Answer: Again, not sure but I will answer as best I can. V15-16 it tells us to sacrifice by praising God and helping others. Going back to Romans 12:1, “Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God –this is your spiritual act of worship.” As in the Old Testament this is not a sacrifice for atonement, but of worship, a fragrance offering. Ps 7:17, 51:17; sacrifices showing a humble heart. V20-21 is showing how those of us who humble ourselves and make our lives a sacrifice, as in 15-16, then God will be pleased and equip you with what you need to allow Him to work through us.
Jul 30, 2010
July 30, 2010 Lesson 19 of Hebrews 13:1-8
List in detail the various aspects of Christian duty which are enjoined or implied here. Examine our own life and circumstances in order to discover way in which your practical obedience in demanded. Answer: 1) Love each other as brothers, 2) entertain strangers, 3) remember those in prison, 4) Marriage should be honored and kept pure, 5) keep free from the love of money, and 6) remember your leaders (i.e Moses, Abraham) and imitate them.
V5, 6, 8. What makes the Christian adequate to face every possible circumstance? Why is there for them nothing to fear, and no-one who can really harm them? What use can they make of the Old Testament Scriptures for the encouragement? Answer: The Christian is adequate to face whatever life throws at them because we believe in the Son of God that fulfills these verses. Christ is our rock and foundation. V5 comes from Deut 31:6, 8 while V6 comes from Ps118:6
V7. In what ways should Christian leaders, whose life on earth has ended, be remembered? Answer: They should be remembered and imitated.
Jul 29, 2010
July 29, 2010 Lesson 18 of Hebrews 12:18-29
V18-24. List the ways in which our Christian privileges under the new covenant excel the experiences of the Israelites at Sinai. Of what ought we by faith deliberately to be conscious when we draw near to God through Christ and his shed blood? Answer: We are heirs with Christ. At Sinai they were given the law, the law does not save. The law shows us our sin, the law provided rituals for cleansing of sins. Christ’s words, like and with the law, shows us our sins, however it is His sacrifice under the new covenant that brings us righteousness. (I hope this answers the question, I am not sure I understood it)
V25-29. What is here said to be impending and inescapable? How do we know this? Cf. Mark 13:31; 2 Pet 3:9-14, How in consequence, ought we to live our present earthly lives? Answer: Warning against refusing God. Judgment is impending and inescapable. However, for us the standard is set higher than in the OT times. They were warned through the OT prophets (i.e. Moses, Abraham, etc.), we were warned through Christ (heaven). Again, I am not sure I answered this one right. I double checked the STS book to see if I had the right questions for the right day, and it seems that I do.
V 23. ‘The assembly of the firstborn’: i.e. the church (Greek, ecclesia) of the privileged who have heavenly inheritance and whose names are written in heaven. Cf. Like 10:20; Rev 21:27.
V23. ‘The spirits of righteous men made perfect’: i.e., either Old Testament saints, or all the faithful departed.
Jul 28, 2010
July 28, 2010 Lesson 17 of Hebrews 12:1-17
V1-4. What quality does the Christian race particularly demand? What conditions must be fulfilled if it is to be run successfully? How can I gain the help I need to finish the course? Answer: running the race requires perseverance/ endurance! As I understand the second question based on this passage the conditions needing to be met is Christ’s endurance of the cross and our belief in Him.
V5-11. For what purpose does God in his providence order some of the earthly experience to his children? What goal has he in view for us? On what kind of response from us does our full enjoyment of benefit depend? Answer: God disciples us like our earthly fathers (or mother depending on the situation) have to, in order to teach us lessons. Lessons that will help us grow into what He (or he if we are talking about our earthly father) wants us to be, a transforming process. The fulfillment depends on our acceptance of that discipline. If we rebel it will be of little use, except to frustrate.
V12-17 What dangers beset those who are spiritually slack and careless? How may a whole group be affected by one renegade? What particular steeps to avoid these dangers are (either explicitly or implicitly) given here? Answer: Those who are careless may lose all their reward. Esau did sell his inheritance for only a bowl of soup (talk about careless) causing many to suffer out of lack of blessing and frustration.
Jul 27, 2010
July 27, 2010 Lesson 16 of Hebrews 11:23-40
V23-28. Note how Moses’ faith gave him the twofold awareness and assurance emphasized in V1. What choices did such faith lead him to make: a) concerning the world in which he had grown up, and b) concerning the cost of siding with Israelites? How ought similar faith to affect my attitude towards the interest to which I choose to devote my life? Answer: Moses saw that the world he grew up in was not one that served God. Moses saw that it was filled with sin and no repentance. He had faith enough to realize that it was not about him or his pleasures. He saw that the ways of the Egyptians would lead ultimately to death. We are no different today. We must choose to leave the ways of the world behind so that we may live and grow in Him by faith.
V28-31. What different steps and stages of faith and its expression are illustrated by these four instances? What kind of faith did the capture of Jericho demand? Cf. 3:14; 6:11, 12; 10:35, 36. Is my faith at all weak in this last quality? Answer: Faith, the assurance of things unseen, I am not sure how to put that into this answer. I don’t see /understand the steps, stages, or kind of faith means.
V32-40. These verses give a summary of the achievements and the sufferings of the men and women of faith. Note that the victories are of all kinds; and that the most outstanding witness is given by the ‘martyrs’ who suffered and died rather than deny their faith. In what ways am I more privileged than they? Would I be ready to follow their example, or does their faith put mine to shame? Answer: I would say their faith puts mine to shame. If I was stoned or whipped in the public square would I be able to maintain my faith? I hope that I would, and thank God we don’t have to worry about this in America today. My thoughts and (more importantly) prayers go out to them who live this way (i.e. China, middle east). It is easy to have faith in God when you live somewhere that has “freedom of religion.” Not so easy when you have to fear for your life just for believing in the one true God. Actually not that I think about it, If you do live in fear because of your belief then to me that just proves God exists. Why would the enemy, satan, have to convince people to torture and kill those who believed in God if there is no god. What other religion is really treated to this degree?
V28-31. What different steps and stages of faith and its expression are illustrated by these four instances? What kind of faith did the capture of Jericho demand? Cf. 3:14; 6:11, 12; 10:35, 36. Is my faith at all weak in this last quality? Answer: Faith, the assurance of things unseen, I am not sure how to put that into this answer. I don’t see /understand the steps, stages, or kind of faith means.
V32-40. These verses give a summary of the achievements and the sufferings of the men and women of faith. Note that the victories are of all kinds; and that the most outstanding witness is given by the ‘martyrs’ who suffered and died rather than deny their faith. In what ways am I more privileged than they? Would I be ready to follow their example, or does their faith put mine to shame? Answer: I would say their faith puts mine to shame. If I was stoned or whipped in the public square would I be able to maintain my faith? I hope that I would, and thank God we don’t have to worry about this in America today. My thoughts and (more importantly) prayers go out to them who live this way (i.e. China, middle east). It is easy to have faith in God when you live somewhere that has “freedom of religion.” Not so easy when you have to fear for your life just for believing in the one true God. Actually not that I think about it, If you do live in fear because of your belief then to me that just proves God exists. Why would the enemy, satan, have to convince people to torture and kill those who believed in God if there is no god. What other religion is really treated to this degree?
Jul 26, 2010
July 26, 2010 Lesson 15 of Hebrews 11:1-22
Faith deals with things unseen and things future, and, in particular, with the living God and his faith doing (v1,6). It is sure of the present reality of the one, and of the coming fulfillment of the other. Notice in detail how these characteristics of faith were exhibited in the lives of the individual mentioned here. What does this teach me I need to desire if my life is to please God. Answer: It teaches me that it is by faith we are saved! Not by might or power or works. It is the faith in God, faith in Christ Jesus and believing that He is the only way to God. Without faith our belief is really nothing. Despite the daily sacrifices of the Old Testament (only temporary coverings of sin) verse 2 shows us that it was faith that the “ancients were commended for.”
V7-16. To what should faith in God pay attention, and what does its full expression involve? Where is the crowning fulfillment of its hopes to be enjoyed? How should such awareness affect my present outlook, action, and attitude to life? Answer: Faith, being that assurance of things hoped for, should continue to keep its eye on the promise. Noah and Abraham both did, as described in this passage. We too should keep our “eye on the prize” in that we too will one day live forever with God in heaven!!
V17-19. What apparent contradiction was involved (as Abraham at first was it) between God’s promise and God’s command concerning Isaac? How did Abraham’s faith in God triumph over this test, and what new hope did Abraham have in God? Answer: The contradiction is that God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations through his son Isaac. To sacrifice Isaac would have meant the end to that. However, God (like always for those who have faith in Him) provided to Abraham an appropriate sacrifice.
Jul 25, 2010
July 25, 2010 Lesson 14 of Hebrews 10:19-39
Having finished his doctrinal exposition, the writer proceeds to give practical counsel for the life we are to live under the new covenant.
V19-25. How are we exhorted here to give expression to our faith, hope and love? Seek in your own life to discern ways in which these exhortations demand your obedience. Answer: The exhortations, as noted in the NIV study Bible, are 1) Let us draw near to God (v22), 2) Let us hold unswervingly to… hope (v23), 3) Let us consider how we may spur on another on (v23), 4) let us not give up meeting together (v25), and 5) Let us encourage one another (v25). For me all 5 of these items are a daily battle. Some more than others and some more on one day than another. Living the Christian life is not something that we want to do by human nature. It is something that we pray for continually, that transforming by the Holy Spirit to be more like God that He may be glorified in us. That we are drawn nearer to God and sometime (i.e. during trying times) that requires the help and support of another believer.
V26-39. For those who have God given light concerning the way of salvation, what is the only alternative to going on with God? Why are its consequences so serious? On what grounds does the writer here expect, and appeal for, the best from his readers? Answer: If you turn your back on God, once you have been given the light, you have turned you back on the only way to salvation. You will have no way of returning. The passages says, it is as if you have crucified Christ all over again. The writer says that if we persevere in our faith we will be richly rewarded.
V22. As the high priest and his sons at their consecration for service in the earthly sanctuary were washed with water and sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice (Exod 29:4, 21), so we in ‘heart’ and ‘body’ (that is, inwardly and outwardly, in our whole being) have been ‘sanctified’ by Christ’s sacrifice.
V26, 29. The writer has in mind deliberate and persistent apostasy – self-chosen denial and defiance of both the Son of God and the Spirit of Grace. The closing words of verse 26 mean that no second atoning sacrifice is provided for those who reject the sacrifice of Christ and his sanctifying blood.
Jul 24, 2010
July 24, 2010 Lesson 13 of Hebrews 10:1-18
Write down as many contrasts as you can find between the sacrifices of the tabernacle and the sacrifice offered by Christ. Why did the latter succeed where the former failed? Answer: the latter failed because it could not cover the sins past, present, and future. Christ’s holy and righteous sacrifice for our sins is the only thing that can cover all sins for all times. The differences here include: 1) Tabernacle sacrifices had to be repeated, 2) they were ‘an annual reminder of sin’ (v3) while Christ’s sacrifice puts the sins out for all time, and 3) Christ now sits at the right hand of God the priest cannot do that.
What consequences of Christ’s sacrifices: a)enjoyed by him, and b) can be enjoyed by us? Answer: We will be made holy. Not sure from this passage. I will wait on Pastor Troy on this one.
To what truths does the Holy Spirit bear witness in the Old Testament passages that are quoted here? Answer: That Christ would be the sacrifice for all sins for all time.
V5-9. The truth emphasized here it that a moral act of personal obedience has superseded ritual ceremonies, which in themselves had no inherent worth. They were only ‘a shadow of the good things that are coming’ (v1).
V1, 10, 14. ‘Perfected’ and ‘made holy’: The meaning is that by Christ’s one sacrifice we are brought for ever into a perfect, unalterable relationship of acceptance with God and consecration to his service. No further offering for sin is necessary (v18).
Psalms 40:6 Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but my ears you have pierced; burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require. 7 Then I said, "Here I am, I have come-- it is written about me in the scroll. 8 I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart."
What consequences of Christ’s sacrifices: a)enjoyed by him, and b) can be enjoyed by us? Answer: We will be made holy. Not sure from this passage. I will wait on Pastor Troy on this one.
To what truths does the Holy Spirit bear witness in the Old Testament passages that are quoted here? Answer: That Christ would be the sacrifice for all sins for all time.
V5-9. The truth emphasized here it that a moral act of personal obedience has superseded ritual ceremonies, which in themselves had no inherent worth. They were only ‘a shadow of the good things that are coming’ (v1).
V1, 10, 14. ‘Perfected’ and ‘made holy’: The meaning is that by Christ’s one sacrifice we are brought for ever into a perfect, unalterable relationship of acceptance with God and consecration to his service. No further offering for sin is necessary (v18).
Psalms 40:6 Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but my ears you have pierced; burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require. 7 Then I said, "Here I am, I have come-- it is written about me in the scroll. 8 I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart."
Jul 23, 2010
July 23, 2010 Lesson 12 of Hebrews 9:15-28
V15-23. What are the reasons why Christ’s death was necessary? Of what benefits can we be sure because it has occurred? Answer: It was necessary to bring the fulfillment of the new covenant. Eternal salvation for those who believe in and follow His Word.
V 24-28. What differences are indicated here between what the Jewish high priest did and what Christ has done? What are the consequences of Christ’s one sacrifice of himself? How can it affect what happens to us when this life is over? Answer: Christ shed blood and took it to the heavenly tabernacle, something the Jewish priest could not do. His blood was shed once for all time, not over and over as the Jewish priest must do for not only for the people but their selves as well.
Note: V15-22. According to ancient practice covenants were sealed in blood, by the symbolic introduction of the death of the parties making it. Also, once a transgression of a covenant obligation had been committed, death became necessary for a second reason, to pay the penalty of such failure. So, ‘without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins’.
Jul 22, 2010
July 22, 2010 Lesson 11 of Hebrews 9:1-15
V 1-10. In what respects did the earthly sanctuary and its ceremonies come short, and for what reasons? Answer: The earthly tabernacle was made by and ran by men. It was not built by the Most High God as is the one in heaven. It is also run by earthly priests that made atonement for the people once a year; while Christ’s priesthood makes this a continual atonement all people of all time. Even though these priests of Old Testament times performed these ceremonial atonements, it was not until Christ became the sacrifice for our sins that they were truly covered.
V11-15. In what ways is the ministry which Christ fulfilled superior to, and more effective then, the Levitical ceremonies? List its far reaching consequences. Answer: His own blood is perfect, just as He is, allowing Him to enter without needing the sacrificial blood of goats or lambs. Christ is clean both inside and out.
V 9. ‘Clear the conscience’: i.e., free it from guilt and defilement, or ‘cleanse’ it (v14).
V12. The Greek does not say that Christ took bleed into God’s presence, liked the Levitical high priest took blood into the inner shrine (v6). Rather he entered ‘through’ his own blood, i.e. on the ground of His death or shed blood. For by this the veil had been rent that had shut men out. Cf. Mark 15:37, 38; Heb 10:19-22.
V11-15. In what ways is the ministry which Christ fulfilled superior to, and more effective then, the Levitical ceremonies? List its far reaching consequences. Answer: His own blood is perfect, just as He is, allowing Him to enter without needing the sacrificial blood of goats or lambs. Christ is clean both inside and out.
V 9. ‘Clear the conscience’: i.e., free it from guilt and defilement, or ‘cleanse’ it (v14).
V12. The Greek does not say that Christ took bleed into God’s presence, liked the Levitical high priest took blood into the inner shrine (v6). Rather he entered ‘through’ his own blood, i.e. on the ground of His death or shed blood. For by this the veil had been rent that had shut men out. Cf. Mark 15:37, 38; Heb 10:19-22.
Jul 21, 2010
July 21, 2010 Lesson 10 of Hebrews 8
V 1-6. Jews were used to seeing Levitical priests fulfill their ministry in an earthly sanctuary. As Christians they need to appreciate that Christ’s ministry is different and ‘much more excellent’ (v 6). In what ways is this true? What is the significance of his being already seated at the right hand of God’s throne (V1)? Cf. 10:10-14; 4:14-16; Eph 4:8. Answer: Christ’s priesthood is far more excellent because He reigns from the tabernacle built by God in heaven, His sacrifice is forever (no beginning or end), He is greater than Aaron, Abraham, and all those before Him, and His sacrifice is for everyone (not just Jew).
V7-13. Why did the first covenant fail? Was there anything wrong with it? In contrast to it, in what ways does the new covenant meet our need, give us ‘better promises’ (V6), and make success certain? Answer: People were wrong with the first covenant. Israel/ Jews are still God’s covenant people and He tried to use them to spread His word throughout the world. However, they became too engrossed in the “me”.
Note. V10-12. Experimental progress into the enjoyment of the blessings of the new covenant is best appreciated from the bottom to the top as: a) forgiveness of sins, b) personal knowledge of the Lord, c) covenant relation to him, d) the indwelling Spirit turning the external restraint of the law into an internal constraint to do God’s will.
V7-13. Why did the first covenant fail? Was there anything wrong with it? In contrast to it, in what ways does the new covenant meet our need, give us ‘better promises’ (V6), and make success certain? Answer: People were wrong with the first covenant. Israel/ Jews are still God’s covenant people and He tried to use them to spread His word throughout the world. However, they became too engrossed in the “me”.
Note. V10-12. Experimental progress into the enjoyment of the blessings of the new covenant is best appreciated from the bottom to the top as: a) forgiveness of sins, b) personal knowledge of the Lord, c) covenant relation to him, d) the indwelling Spirit turning the external restraint of the law into an internal constraint to do God’s will.
Jul 20, 2010
July 20, 2010 Lesson 9 of Hebrews 7:15-28
V15-25. What are the distinctive differences between the Levitical and the Melchizedek orders of priesthood – in qualification for office, in continuance in office and in efficacy? In relation to Christ’s office, what is added by God’s oath? Answer: 1) Levitical is based on ancestry and regulation; Melchizedek is not. 2) Levitical was weak; Melchizedek is powerful. 3) Levitical has no oath; Melchizedek is based on an oath. 4) (this is where Melchizedek has better efficacy and continuance in office) Jesus is the priest forever, His is a priesthood that lasts for all time, and for this reason is able to save all those who come to God.
V 23-28. How do these verses show that in Jesus we have a perfect High Priest, and that he perfectly meets the sinner’s need? In what ways is he unique both in person and work? Answer: 1) Jesus lives forever, making His priesthood an everlasting appointment and giving Him the ability to save all who come to Him. 2) Christ does not have to offer daily sacrifices (v27) because he is “holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens” (v26). 3) the Law appointed priests, while the new oath appointed Jesus who “has been made perfect forever.”
Note: V25. ‘Completely’: the Greek phrase means ‘to the uttermost’ both of time and of degree.
Jul 19, 2010
July 19, 2010 Lesson 8 of Hebrews 7:1-14
V 1-10. On what grounds is Melchizedek said to be greater than Abraham and consequently superior to the Levitical priesthood? By what the scriptural record both does and does not tell us about him, in what ways is Melchizedek made to resemble the Son of God? Answer: Melchizedek 1) has not family (no father mother, or genealogy; v3), 2) His name means king of peace or king of Salem (Jerusalem), 3) He was greater, receiving the tithe from Abraham.
V 11-14. Why could not Jesus possibly be a priest after the order of Aaron? What does the promise in the Old Testament of a new order of priesthood (see Ps 110:4) imply concerning the existing Levitical priesthood? If the priesthood is changed, what must inevitably be changed as well? Answer: OK this is new to me. I am confused as to all of this. I know Jesus is descended from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David. I don’t understand how Jesus is also out of the order of Melchizedek. I understand that Melchizedek is a different line than Aaron. Aaronic Priesthood is of the Law, while Melchizedek is not. I will be excited to Pastor Troy’s response.
V1. ‘This Melchizedek was king … and priest’: among the Israelites these two offices were never held by the same person.
V 2. ‘First… righteousness, then… peace’: Cf. Is 32:17.
V 12. The priesthood was so fundamental to the old covenant between God and his people, that any change in the order of priesthood must of necessity involve a change in the whole constitution; i.e., it implies nothing less than an accompanying new, and indeed better, covenant. See 7:22.
Jul 18, 2010
July 18, 2010 Lesson 7 of Hebrews 6:9-20
V9-12. What gives the writer confidence concerning his readers’ final salvation? In what ways does he desire to see improvement in their Christian living? Examine yourself to see in which of these characteristics you are strong or weak. Answer: The confidence comes from knowing that God is just and doesn’t forget the good works they have done for God’s people. In other words if God makes a promise He is going to keep it. He judges without favor. The author wants to see diligence in the Christian lives of these believers. He does not want them to “become lazy.” He wants their faith and patients to grow.
V 13-20. If we have made Christ our refuge, what three unshakable grounds of assurance have we that our confidence and hope will not disappoint us? In what ways is Jesus himself like an anchor? What benefits does he guarantee? Answer: 1) God keeps His promises, 2) It is impossible for Him to lie, 3) He is all powerful. Really 1 is the only thing to hold onto. The other 2 things and rest of this passage only seek to prove 1 as I see it. I may be wrong, but it makes sense to me. Jesus is that anchor by what He guarantees; salvation through His sacrifice.
V10-12. Note the mention of love, hope and faith. Cf 1 Thess 1:3; 5:8.
V 12. ‘Lazy’: in 5:11 the same Greek adjective is translated ‘dull’. Other renderings are ‘sluggish’ or ‘slothful’.
V 11, 12. ‘To the very end’, ‘… and patient’. This is an emphasis typical of this letter. Cf. 3:14; 6:15; 10:35, 36.
Jul 17, 2010
July 17, 2010 Lesson 6 of Hebrews 5:11-6:8
July 17, 2010 Lesson 6 of Hebrews 5:11-6:8
5:11-14. What is the writer’s complaint about his readers? What does he imply are the conditions of spiritual growth? By these standards, considering how long I have been a Christian, by this time what ought I to be? Answer: The writer is saying that we can not continue to live only knowing about the grace of God. We are to learn and study what is in the Word and put it in our heart so that we do not become tempted, allowing the Word to transform us. Where am I? Not where I could be.
6:1-8. What teaching constitutes the foundation of the gospel? See Acts 2:38; 20:21; 26:18. What reason is given here for not laying this foundation again? What were the only possibilities now open to such people? Answer: Repentance, it is for all, having faith in Jesus, understanding you are not worthy; basically all that it says in Mat 5:3-8. These foundational points are important to understand and live by but there is sooooo much more to the Word than that.
5:11. As the writer is about to begin his exposition of the Melchizedek priesthood of Christ, he is arrested by a sense of the difficulty of expounding it to those who have become spiritually so dull of hearing.
5:14. Note the practical evidence of maturity. Cf. Is 7:16.
6:4-8. To understand these verses compare the writer’s earlier reference to the Israelites in the wilderness. It was impossible for Moses to take them back into Egypt, and to bring them out through the Passover and the Read Sea a second time. Either they must go on with God and enter in, or come under God’s judgment, and be finally shut out. See 3:10-12.
5:11-14. What is the writer’s complaint about his readers? What does he imply are the conditions of spiritual growth? By these standards, considering how long I have been a Christian, by this time what ought I to be? Answer: The writer is saying that we can not continue to live only knowing about the grace of God. We are to learn and study what is in the Word and put it in our heart so that we do not become tempted, allowing the Word to transform us. Where am I? Not where I could be.
6:1-8. What teaching constitutes the foundation of the gospel? See Acts 2:38; 20:21; 26:18. What reason is given here for not laying this foundation again? What were the only possibilities now open to such people? Answer: Repentance, it is for all, having faith in Jesus, understanding you are not worthy; basically all that it says in Mat 5:3-8. These foundational points are important to understand and live by but there is sooooo much more to the Word than that.
5:11. As the writer is about to begin his exposition of the Melchizedek priesthood of Christ, he is arrested by a sense of the difficulty of expounding it to those who have become spiritually so dull of hearing.
5:14. Note the practical evidence of maturity. Cf. Is 7:16.
6:4-8. To understand these verses compare the writer’s earlier reference to the Israelites in the wilderness. It was impossible for Moses to take them back into Egypt, and to bring them out through the Passover and the Read Sea a second time. Either they must go on with God and enter in, or come under God’s judgment, and be finally shut out. See 3:10-12.
Jul 16, 2010
July 16, 2010 Lesson 5 of Hebrews 4:14-5:10
4:14-16. What truths concerning our Christian High Priest are we exhorted here to confess, and what consequent privileges open to our enjoyment are we exhorted to possess fully? Answer: because Christ came to earth and was tempted and endured this earth just as we have, is therefore more sympathetic to our condition (sin). He, however, came out without sin making him the perfect High Priest, and it is because of His sacrifice that we are able to approach the throne giving us grace and mercy.
5:1-10. What qualifications for high priesthood are set forth in verses 1-4? How are these possessed by Christ at a higher level and in a fuller way than could ever be true of a Levitical priest? What benefit can he consequently make ours, and on what conditions? Answer: 1) they have to be chosen, 2) must be able to ‘deal gently’ with those who may be going astray, and 3) realize that he must offer sacrifices for himself because he is not above sin. I am not sure what is really being asked or how to answer the rest of this question. After a bit of research I will guess here (I hope pastor Troy will provide some insight). We are at a higher level than the Levitical priests because we now, through Jesus Christ, have a “direct line” to God. Because Christ died for us and intercedes for us we are in a higher position.
The order of treatment in 5:1-4 is reverses in 5:1-10. The three points dealt with are: a) function b) understanding sympathy, c) appointment to office.
5:3. Every Jewish high priest ‘has to offer sacrifice for his own sins.’ Contrast 4:15. Jesus was sinless.
5:7-9. These verses give an amazing insight into our Lord’s true humanity and earthly humility.
Jul 15, 2010
July 15, 2010 Lesson 4 of Hebrews 3:7-4:13
3:7-4:2. What is the danger against which we are warned here? Why were the Israelites overtaken by it in the wilderness? How can we avoid similar disaster? Answer: We are warned against unbelief. As I recall for the most part the Israelites were overcome by it because of a lack of patience. They wanted it now! They were promised to enter the promised land and they felt like it was taking too long to get there so they took things into their own hands and started to worship false gods. This is absolutely a trap we can fall into today. We are in a society that rushes to get everywhere. We are a society filled with choices. We are in a society that is all about self. I think it makes it much easier, given these factors, to fall into disbelief.
4:1-13. In what ways does God use his Word in his dealings with us? What promise of his still stands open for our enjoyment? What are the conditions of obtaining its fulfillment in our experience? Can any avoid having dealings with him? Answer: God uses His word to judge us, to guide us, to give us comfort. We still have the promise that we too will be with Him in the Promised Land in the new creation. Obedience and belief are the conditions for fulfillment. None can avoid the final judgment.
Note. 3:12, 13; 4:1. In each of these verses and exhortation is addressed in the plural to the many, exhorting them all to take care lest any single one of their number fall away.
Eric’s notes
4:1 the promise of entering His rest. See Isa 11:1-9. This is the promise of the second coming when Christ will sit on the throne in Israel in the new creation (Rev 21:4; Isa 65:17; 66:22).
Jul 14, 2010
July 14, 2010 Lesson 3 of Hebrews 3:1-6
V1, 6. Christians are described here as those who confess Christ and respond to his call. If these activities are to be fully meaningful, we must ‘consider Jesus’ as our ‘apostle and high priest’. What, then, can Christ do for us, and what does he demand from us as a) our Apostle, and b) our High Priest? Answer: He demands not only that we believe (for even the demons believe James 2:19) but also follow His Word.
V2-5. Find three ways in these verses in which Christ is said to excel Moses. Answer: Jesus excel or exceed Moses?? Jesus found to have greater honor than Moses. House builder has greater honor than house. Jesus is “equated” to God and since God created everything Jesus is said to have more honor than Moses. Moses was a servant, while Christ is a son making Him higher than Moses. Christ is over God’s house, while Moses is in the house.
V1. As ‘Apostle’ Jesus was sent from God to men to reveal; as ‘High Priest’ he offered himself for men to God to redeem and to reconcile. Cf. 1:1, 2a, 3b; 2:3, 17; 4:14; 5:1; 8:1.
V2-6. ‘God’s house’: this refers to God’s people or household, not to the tabernacle or temple. Now it is we Christians who are God’s house. Our heavenly calling makes us ‘holy brothers’ in God’s family.
Jul 13, 2010
July 13, 2010 Lesson 2 of Hebrews 2
V1-4. Why ought we to ‘pay more careful attention …to what we have heard’ (v1)? Sort out the reasons stated here. Against what practical dangers is this warning directed? Answer: I believe this passage is saying that if we don’t turn from our earthly ways we are doomed to eternal death. We can not trust in the law (or other ritualistic type beliefs) to save us, it is only through Christ that we may be saved. While here on earth Christ gave us more than enough evidence to believe that He is the Messiah, the Son of God and to turn from that is to receive your just punishment.
What, according to the Scriptures (eg Ps 8), is man’s divinely intended destiny? How do we here see God’s purpose for man being brought to its fulfillment? What path did the Son of God have to tread to make it possible for sinful men to share in this fulfillment? What, in consequence, can He now do for us? Answer: God’s will is that we all be saved however we have all sinned so that leaves us destined for eternal death. The path Christ had to take is briefly laid out in v14-15. Christ came to earth in a fleshly body and was crucified for our sins. The final consequence is our eternal salvation, if we accept Him.
Jul 12, 2010
July 12, 2010 Lesson 1 of Hebrews 1
V 1-4. List the statements made about Christ in verses 2 and 3. What do these statements tell us about his person and work? In what ways is He greater than prophets and angels? Answer: 1) “whom He appointed heir of all things” 2) “and through whom He made the whole universe” 3) “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory” 4) “the exact representation of His being” 5) “Sustaining all things by His powerful Word” 6) “He provided purification for sins” 7) He then “sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” Jesus is called what no other created being is called, Son, in addition to these statements. This makes His name superior to all others. Jesus is, was, and always will be the one true way to the father.
How do the scriptures quoted in verses 5-14 confirm the statement of verse 4? Define for yourself the ways in which what God says of Christ is different from what He says about angels. Answer: Like other passages we have read during these studies this author is using OT references to prove who and what Christ is to the NT Jews. However, in this instance it is to prove Christ’s superiority to the angels. These statements show how Christ is called the Son by God. The fact that He is called Son alone places Him above the angels. Not to mention the fact that Christ is seated at the right hand of God (v13), God through Christ created the heavens and the earth and all things in it (v10), the angels are commanded to worship Him (v6), Christ is set above the angels by God (v9), and the angels were sent to serve those who will inherit salvation (v14).
The emphasis laid on Christ’s superiority to angels, which to us seems obvious, is explained by the fact that, to the Jews, one of the chief glories of the Old Testament revelation was that it was given through angels. See 2:2
Verse 7. Angels are created beings; they are God’s servants; and their form and appearance suffer change and transformation at God’s pleasure. Contrast the royal dominion and unchanging being of the Son (v8-12).
Eric’s personal note
It seems that the author is marking the change from prophets to now. Verse 1 and 2 note this transition.
Jul 11, 2010
July 11, 2010 Lesson 20 of Leviticus 27
Instruction as to what is to be done where an offering has been made to the Lord and the give3r wants to redeem it; also a regulation about tithes.
What can be redeemed and what cannot be redeemed? What does this teach us about the seriousness of vows made to God? Is there any exception to the statement inverse 29? Cf. Ps 49:7-9; Mark 10:45. Answer: The only thing, and I am probably missing something, that I see that can’t be redeemed is those items not redeemed by the following Year of Jubilee. The only exception to verse 29 would be those who God chooses to soften his heart and bring him closer to God, thereby saving him (kind of going back to the doctrine of election, very interesting doctrine by the way).
What does this chapter show of the Lord’s character? What does he require in His people? Answer: I think this chapter shows that God gives us and gives us room to make errors and be forgiven, but there is always a point from which we can no longer be forgiven. God is a loving God who wants our obedience, if we can not give that then we will not be part of the chosen in the end.
What can be redeemed and what cannot be redeemed? What does this teach us about the seriousness of vows made to God? Is there any exception to the statement inverse 29? Cf. Ps 49:7-9; Mark 10:45. Answer: The only thing, and I am probably missing something, that I see that can’t be redeemed is those items not redeemed by the following Year of Jubilee. The only exception to verse 29 would be those who God chooses to soften his heart and bring him closer to God, thereby saving him (kind of going back to the doctrine of election, very interesting doctrine by the way).
What does this chapter show of the Lord’s character? What does he require in His people? Answer: I think this chapter shows that God gives us and gives us room to make errors and be forgiven, but there is always a point from which we can no longer be forgiven. God is a loving God who wants our obedience, if we can not give that then we will not be part of the chosen in the end.
Jul 9, 2010
July 9, 2010 Lesson 18 of Leviticus 25
How was the year of Jubilee reckoned, and what was its general purpose? Are there any corresponding spiritual blessings in Christ? And how can we enjoy them? Cf. Gal 2:4; 5:1, 13. Answer: The year of Jubilee was a year of equalization or resetting. It allowed debts to be settled (and created a point from which debts could be prorated) and help those less fortunate. I am not sure if I am on the right track or not, but I would have to say that under the blood of Christ we live in a continual year of jubilee. Our transgressions, or sin debt, is forever and always forgiven.
What light is shed in this chapter on the principles governing our relationship to God and to one another in Christ? See especially verses 17, 23, 35, 36, 38, 42, 43, and 55. Answer: We are all slaves to righteousness. In Romans 6:14-23 Paul describes this in a bit more detail. We are the elect, and therefore slaves to righteousness.
Jul 8, 2010
July 8, 2010 Lesson 17 of Leviticus 24
Consider the significance of the words ‘pure’ and ‘continually’ which reoccur in verses 1-9. Apply these words to your own worship and Christian service. Answer: I am not really sure how to answer this one. I do see pastor Troy’s points, however, that our worship should be continuous and our hearts need to be kept pure.
What attributes of God’s character are set side by side in this chapter? Cf. Heb. 10:19-31. What constraint should such awareness put on us? Answer: God is a forgiving God, however if we are given the knowledge (and we all are) and still continue to live in the “world” then we are blasphemers as well.
Jul 7, 2010
July 7, 2010 Lesson 16 of Leviticus 23
List the feasts and note the general character of each. What did they have in common? And what were their differences? Answer: The Passover ad Unleavened Bread; Twilight on 14th day of first month, lasts 7 days, eat bread with no yeast and present an offering made from fire, remember Israel’s deliverance. The First Fruits; bring a wave offering from your first harvest, also bring a burnt offering of a lamb, to recognize God’s bounty. Feast of Weeks, or the end of Pentecost; new grain offering, wave offering of the first fruits, burnt offering of 7 lambs, show joy thankfulness to God for His blessing. Feast of Trumpets; first day of 7th month, do no work but sound trumpets, Present Israel before God for His favor. Day of Atonement; 10th day of 7th month, do no work, deny yourself, offering made by fire, cleanse priest and people from sin. Feast of Tabernacles; 15th day of 7th month, lasts 7 days, day 1 sacred assembly, for seven days present offerings to the Lord with fire, on the 8th day hold sacred assembly and present offering made by fire, memorialize journey from Canaan and give thanks for its bounty.
What are the New Testament parallels to the three main feasts and what is the significance of each? A)The Passover. Cf. 1 Cor 5:7-8. B) the Feast of Weeks, or Pentacost. Cf. Acts 2:1-4. C) The Feast of Tabernacles, the final ingathering of the harvest. Cf. Rev 7:9-10. Answer: a) the blood of Christ serves as the Passover Lamb for all time. B) I don’t want to talk much here for two reasons; one I don’t know a lot and two so many different faiths believe different things so I can’t argue it effectively one way or the other. C) this is the final call home when Christ takes us all to heaven.
Jul 6, 2010
July 6, 2010 Lesson 15 of Leviticus 21 and 22
What words and expressions occur frequently, giving the reason why these instructions are imposed? List some ways in which we ought to be showing similar concern. Answer: I am the Lord, and be holy are two that first come to mind. Or a third is I am the Lord who makes them holy.
What can we learn here about the serious effects on our Christian lives of things that are apparently small, but spiritually unclean? Answer: Is it saying that even the smallest things can and many times do corrupt the whole of our lives?
What can we learn here about the serious effects on our Christian lives of things that are apparently small, but spiritually unclean? Answer: Is it saying that even the smallest things can and many times do corrupt the whole of our lives?
Jul 5, 2010
July 5, 2010 Lesson 14 of Leviticus 19 and 20
What particular attribute of God receives emphasis in these chapters as a ground of obedience to his commands? Cf. 1 Peter 1:14-17. Answer: God’s sovereignty and holiness.
Which one of the Ten Commandments do these laws elaborate? What significant summary of the law of God is to be found here? Answer: As I sit and read through them thinking about what was in the text I have to say the first one to pop out at me is, well I don’t know. I see several, if not all 10, touched on here. I am not sure what he is asking.
Jul 4, 2010
July 4, 2010 Lesson 13 of Leviticus 18
In chapters 18-20 we pass from the worship of the people to their behavior. Chapter 18 prohibits unlawful marriage, unchastity, and Molech worship; but the last is dealt with more fully in 18:2-5
What reasons are given for Israel’s obedience to these laws and how important is this obedience? See V1-5 and 24-30. Answer: 1) it is the decree of the Lord, 2) He will drive them out if they do not. God said it, so we do it (or don’t do it as the case may be). We do it because we love God. God has given us sex and sexual desires so that we may use them the way He intended. Even today we are not to use them in just any old way. Many in the culture will tell you different.
What light is thrown by this chapter on God’s command for the extermination of the Canaanites? Answer: I see that God intends to throw them out because of their sexual sins.
Jul 3, 2010
July 3, 2010 Lesson 12 of Leviticus 17
There are two main instructions in this portion: first, that all domestic animals which are to be killed shall be brought to the tabernacle (v3-9); and second, that no blood must be eaten (v10-16). The former of these instructions points to a time when animals were not killed except in connection with worship of some kind.
What would this first instruction (v3-9) teach Israel about God? Where is it suggested in these verses that this instruction is directed against idolatrous worship? Answer: The first instruction is to bring the sacrifice to the place it is to be sacrificed. Don’t sacrifice your goat, ox, or bird in the field when you are commanded to do it at the Tent of Meeting or the altar. To sacrifice outside this area is the same, as I understand, as idol worship.
Why was the eating of blood so strictly forbidden? See verse 11 in particular. What is the significance of this for us? Answer: Blood is the life of the animal. It is that blood that is used to atone for sins. Eating/ drinking that blood is forbidden, just as taking the life of another. Today yesterday, and for all time Christ died to cover all sins (Heb 10:10; 9:11-28). It is for this reason that the blood of animals is no longer needed for sacrifice. It is for this reason that we can eat the meat of these animals for Christ said that it is not what enters the mouth but what comes out of it that makes him unholy (Acts 1:1-23; Mat 15:1-20; 1 Tim 4:3-5).
Jul 2, 2010
July 2, 2010 Lesson 11 of Leviticus 16
Sketch out the order of the ceremonies of the Day of Atonement. Answer: 1) Aaron is to get a sin (young bull) and burnt (and ram) offering. 2) Bathe and put on the sacred linen tunic. 3) take with him a sin (two male goats) and a burnt (ram) offering for the Israelites. 4) Present his own sin offering. 5) cast lots with the Lord for the scapegoat. 6) The goat that is for the Lord, he is to make it a sin offering. 6) The scapegoat is to be sent alive into the desert. 7) Take burning coals from the censer and incense to burn behind the curtain to conceal himself. 8) take the bulls blood and sprinkle it on the atonement cover. 9) do the same with the goats blood. 10) then do the same for the Tent of Meeting. 11) then the same for the altar. 12) place his hands on the scapegoat and confessing all the sins of Aaron and the people and letting it go. 13) Aaron is to bathe and change back to “street clothes” to offer the burnt offering for himself and the people. 14) the remaining pieces of the offerings are to be burned outside the camp. 15) all who touched the scapegoat and the remaining sacrifice pieces must be bathed.
What do you learn from this chapter about: a) the conditions of approach into God’s presence; b) the complete removal of sin’s guilt through substitution; c) the necessity on man’s part of submission in penitence and faith to God’s way of salvation? Answer: The first thing that comes to mind is how we would think of this kind of thing today. Many today would look at this like, “really, I have to do what?” In other words “I have to do that to atone for my sins to a God I can’t see? I don’t need that.” I wonder, how many of the Jews felt the same way? Anyway, back to the questions. A person has to be made holy and righteous in order to approach God, and even then we cannot see Him. It is through a process (in these times it is sacrifice and today a belief in Christ as the Way) that removes our sins. Either then or now submission is mandatory to the forgiveness of sins.
Note: v 8, 10, 26. ‘Scapegoat’ in Hebrew (azazel) means ‘destruction’.
Jul 1, 2010
July 1, 2010 Lesson 10 of Leviticus 14:33-15:33
How does this portion show that sin, wherever found and in whatever form, is defiling God’s sight, and prevents acceptance before him? Answer: I think that all of these “unclean” situations show that we are unclean before God. I see that no one is really shunned, they are quarantined to begin or go through a cleansing process.
Chapter 15 is usually taken to represent the defilement of secret sin. Notice: a) how it pollutes the whole life and all around it, and b) that this kind of defilement requires atonement just as much as other forms of sin. Cf. Pss 19:12; 51:6-9. Answer: It is interesting how everything this unclean person comes in contact with becomes unclean. People, clothing, chairs, beds and bed linens, ect all becomes unclean. Women as well are seen as unclean during their monthly period. I find it even more interesting that when a man and woman are together that they are too bathe and become unclean for a period of time.
Jun 29, 2010
June 29, 2010 Lesson 8 of Leviticus 12:1-13:46
Did the mere fact of being born a Jew give a child a place in the covenant? See 12:3, Note 1 below, and Deut 10:15-16; 30:6. How do the principles illustrated here apply today? Answer: The circumcision associates them with the covenant people. However, like gentiles the Jews too must accept Christ. Or during this period before Christ they must believe in God and make atonement through sacrifice.
From chapter 13 trace some of the parallels that exists between the plague of leprosy and the plague of sin. Answer: Sin makes you unclean and unrighteous to enter the Kingdom of Heaven or sit before God, just as the leprosy does here. The priest sees and judges the sores, just as God will one day judge us.
12:3. Circumcision had a twofold significance, namely, identification with God’s covenant people, and purification from unfitness for such a role.
12:8 Cf. Luke 2:22-24
Jun 28, 2010
June 28, 2010 Lesson 7 of Leviticus 11
What would the distinction between clean and unclean food teach Israel about God and His worship? See v44, 45. Consider the great changes in their habits that the coming of God to dwell among them brought about. Cf. 1 Pet 1:14-16; Eph 4:22-24. Answer: I should teach, or really remind, Israel that God is a Holy God. None may stand before Him that are not holy. We must keep ourselves clean according to His Word. Touching or doing unclean things makes the person unclean.
How did our Lord show that such distinctions are not now binding? What constitutes defilement in God’s sight? Cf. Mark 7:14-23. Answer: God allowed them to be made clean at night. It is what comes out of the man that makes him personally defiled.
Jun 27, 2010
Lesson 5 and 6 of Leviticus
June 26, 2010 Lesson 5 of Leviticus 8
Cf. Exod 29:44. The directions for the ceremony were given in Exod 28 and 29; this chapter give the account of it.
What is the order in which the dedication of priests and tabernacle took place? Do you see any significance in this order? Answer: 1) Aaron and sons washed. 2) Aaron was robed and Urim and Thummim were placed in breast plate. From Exod notes: The breast pieces was probably a bag of pouch fastened to the front of the ephod, and called ‘the breast piece of judgment’ because it contained the Urim and Thummim which were used to ascertain the divine will. Cf. Num 27:21; Ezr 2:63. 3) Tabernacle and all in it anointed. 4) Aaron anointed. 5) Sons robed. 6) Sin offering- Aaron and sons laid hands on the head of the bull as it was sacrificed; blood on horns with remaining at the altar base. 7) Burnt offering of the ram. 8) Ordination- second ram sacrificed and blood placed on right ear lobe, thumb, and big toe of Aaron and each of his sons. 9) thigh and fat along with yeast free bread, cake, and wafer were used as wave offering 10) before being burned on altar as the burnt offering. 11) Remaining blood used to sprinkle on Aaron and his sons. 12) they then cooked and ate the meet at the entrance. The one thing that sticks out to me (and makes sense) is that the tabernacle had to be consecrated before Aaron and his sons could be.
In the sacrifice of the ram of ordination (i.e. of dedication to special service), what special use was made of the blood? What symbolic significance does this have? Cf. Rom 6:13. Answer: After reading Rom 6:13 and Pastor Troy’s response it makes sense. I would have to re-iterate what he said in his post, that God wants us to watch how we act in all things we do in the ministry.
June 27, 2010 Lesson 9 of Leviticus 9 and 10.
The tabernacle and priests have been sanctified and dedicated; all was now ready for the normal work of the priesthood to begin.
What was Aaron’s first offering at the start of his ministry? Though pardoned, anointed, and consecrated, he still needed mercy through atoning blood. But when all was duly offered, how did God show his acceptance of his people’s worship? With 9:22a, cf. Num 6:22-27. Answer: The first thing was to seek forgiveness through a sin offering, first for their self then for the people. ON the second part let me first note that the fire came out and burned up the appropriate sacrifice. However, when Aaron’s sons did not present as instructed the same fire came and consumed them (10:2). God shows his acceptance by sharing blessing.
What did Nabab and Abihu do? What happened? Why did God act like this? Answer: The presented “unauthorized fire” to the Lord in sacrifice. They were burned up by the fire and then laid to rest outside the camp. According to the study text it was to inaugurate a new era.
10:1. ‘Unauthorized fire’: this may mean fire not taken from the altar, but the central thought is that it was fire which God has not authorized.
10:8-11. It has long been thought that Nadab and Abihu may have been indulging in whine; hence this prohibition.
The significance of 10:16-20 seems to be that Aaron realized that Nadab and Abihu had taken part in the offering of the sin offering and that this rendered it unacceptable and unclean. This is a touching story of Aaron’s full acceptance of God’s verdict on his own sons.
Cf. Exod 29:44. The directions for the ceremony were given in Exod 28 and 29; this chapter give the account of it.
What is the order in which the dedication of priests and tabernacle took place? Do you see any significance in this order? Answer: 1) Aaron and sons washed. 2) Aaron was robed and Urim and Thummim were placed in breast plate. From Exod notes: The breast pieces was probably a bag of pouch fastened to the front of the ephod, and called ‘the breast piece of judgment’ because it contained the Urim and Thummim which were used to ascertain the divine will. Cf. Num 27:21; Ezr 2:63. 3) Tabernacle and all in it anointed. 4) Aaron anointed. 5) Sons robed. 6) Sin offering- Aaron and sons laid hands on the head of the bull as it was sacrificed; blood on horns with remaining at the altar base. 7) Burnt offering of the ram. 8) Ordination- second ram sacrificed and blood placed on right ear lobe, thumb, and big toe of Aaron and each of his sons. 9) thigh and fat along with yeast free bread, cake, and wafer were used as wave offering 10) before being burned on altar as the burnt offering. 11) Remaining blood used to sprinkle on Aaron and his sons. 12) they then cooked and ate the meet at the entrance. The one thing that sticks out to me (and makes sense) is that the tabernacle had to be consecrated before Aaron and his sons could be.
In the sacrifice of the ram of ordination (i.e. of dedication to special service), what special use was made of the blood? What symbolic significance does this have? Cf. Rom 6:13. Answer: After reading Rom 6:13 and Pastor Troy’s response it makes sense. I would have to re-iterate what he said in his post, that God wants us to watch how we act in all things we do in the ministry.
June 27, 2010 Lesson 9 of Leviticus 9 and 10.
The tabernacle and priests have been sanctified and dedicated; all was now ready for the normal work of the priesthood to begin.
What was Aaron’s first offering at the start of his ministry? Though pardoned, anointed, and consecrated, he still needed mercy through atoning blood. But when all was duly offered, how did God show his acceptance of his people’s worship? With 9:22a, cf. Num 6:22-27. Answer: The first thing was to seek forgiveness through a sin offering, first for their self then for the people. ON the second part let me first note that the fire came out and burned up the appropriate sacrifice. However, when Aaron’s sons did not present as instructed the same fire came and consumed them (10:2). God shows his acceptance by sharing blessing.
What did Nabab and Abihu do? What happened? Why did God act like this? Answer: The presented “unauthorized fire” to the Lord in sacrifice. They were burned up by the fire and then laid to rest outside the camp. According to the study text it was to inaugurate a new era.
10:1. ‘Unauthorized fire’: this may mean fire not taken from the altar, but the central thought is that it was fire which God has not authorized.
10:8-11. It has long been thought that Nadab and Abihu may have been indulging in whine; hence this prohibition.
The significance of 10:16-20 seems to be that Aaron realized that Nadab and Abihu had taken part in the offering of the sin offering and that this rendered it unacceptable and unclean. This is a touching story of Aaron’s full acceptance of God’s verdict on his own sons.
Jun 25, 2010
June 25, 2010 Lesson 4 of Leviticus 6:8-7:38
Distinction must be made between public and private offerings. In addition to the private burnt offerings of the people, there was a daily, public burnt offering morning and evening. Cf. Exod 29:38-42. It is this daily sacrifice that is referred to in 6:9, 12, with directions that the fire must not be allowed to go out on the altar.
Neither the sacrifice nor the fire was to fail. What lessons can we learn from that? Cf. Heb 6:11, 12. Answer: Christ’s blood, as the one true sinless lamb holy and righteous, covered us once and for all for our sins. The sacrifice and fire were not to fail because the blood of the sacrifice could only cover so much sin. That is why sacrifices had to be continually done.
7:11-21. In the peace offering the people to God the spontaneous gifts of their love. What were the three kinds of peace offerings which individuals might bring? What about us? Cf. Heb13:15-16. Answer: Thankfulness, vow, and free will. This still goes for us today. We are to live our live in a state of thankfulness, vow our commitment to Him, which is done of our own free will.
Note: A ‘wave offering’ (7:30) means an offering or part offering presented to the Lord by waving it towards him, before receiving it back from him.
Jun 24, 2010
June 24, 2010 lesson 3 of Leviticus 4:1-6:7
What is it that distinguishes the sin and guilt offerings from the burnt, meal, and peace offerings? See 4:2, 13, 22, ect. Of what divine provision for our need are we assured here? Cf. Lev 17:11. Answer: The burnt, meal, and peace offerings are offerings of worship. The sin offering is a mandatory offering seeking atonement. Blood is life, and blood sacrifice is needed for atonement. Thanks to Christ sacrifices are no longer needed. It is His blood that atones for our sins.
Notice particularly what was done with the body and with the blood of the sacrifice in the sin offering (4:6, 7, 11,12). How do these solemn ordinances indicate God’s hatred of sin, and suggest some of the fearful results that can arise out of sin? Answer: I am missing the point on this one. I just read Pastor Troy’s response. Although I did note that the blood was on the altar and the flesh was out in the ash heap, I did not make the connection with the works of the flesh. Makes total sense, however.
Note: The sin and guilt offerings have much in common, but the sin offering had reference rather to the person of the offender in his guilt toward God, whereas the guilt offering was an atonement for the offence especially in its relation to man. Hence the sin offering differed for different classes of persons (4:3, 13, 22, 27); and in the guilt offering the guilty party, in addition to his offering, had also to make amends for the wrong done (5:16; 6:4-5).
Jun 23, 2010
June 23, 2010 Lesson 2 of Leviticus 2 and 3
The cereal offering represents a blameless life. The purity of its ingredients is emphasized (see 2:1, 11). The worshiper who is not blameless draws near to God with acceptance in the power of an offering possessing the perfection that he lacks. Consider how this offering is fulfilled in Christ. Cf. Heb 7:26; 1 John 2:6. Answer: Christ is the spotless lamb who was sacrificed for our sins. His blood was poured out as a sin offering to cover our sins. Giving us the ability to stand righteous before a righteous and holy God.
The peace offering speaks of communion, based on the blood of atonement (3:1,2) and expressed in a whole burnt offering pleasing to the Lord (3:5). Do you know the heart-satisfaction of such a relation to God. Answer: The NIV uses fellowship offering while the NASB uses peace offering here. I find it interesting how the two seem to be used interchangeably. I can say that once you believe and move into fellowship with God, through Jesus Christ, you do feel that peace, your life is filled with endless joy. When others are feeling life coming down on them, the Christian feels those same stresses but is lifted up through that relationship.
Jun 22, 2010
June 22, 2010 Lesson 1 of Leviticus 1
God is now dwelling in the midst of his people, and gives them directions concerning their worship of him and their communion with him. Notice how throughout this book God is the speaker, through Moses.
What are the two outstanding features of the burnt offerings mentioned here? See e.g. Verses 3,9, 10, 13. Answer: They are to be without defect and washed clean.
What significance would the burnt offering have for the person making the offering? See e.g. Verses 4, 9, 13, 17. Answer: The person making the offering is actively involved in the sacrificial process through the priest to God to atone for the person’s sins.
Jun 21, 2010
June 21, 2010 Lesson 4 of 2 Timothy 4
What ministry is Paul urging Timothy to fulfill here? Make a list of the main points in Paul’s charge to him. How does this chapter also indicate the possibilities of failure, and its causes? What challenge ought I to find here concerning my own Christian service? Answer: Paul is charging Timothy to continue to preach the Word when he is gone. He tells Timothy to know the Word and correct and encourage those who don’t with patients and “careful instruction.” He reminds Timothy that some may not want to hear the Good News. They will listen to what they want to hear, what makes them feel good (sounds a bit like our culture today). They will turn aside from the truth to myths. However, he further instructs Timothy to “keep his head in all situations, endure hardships, do the work of an evangelist, [and] discharge all the duties of your ministry.” I think that not being sucked into worldly things is kind of hard. I can stand up for the Word pretty well. However, I fear that there may come a time when the world may wear me down enough that I “give in.” I have never been in such a situation so I don’t know for sure, but that has always been a fear of mine. Thankfully I have been blessed enough to truly experience the love and grace of God up to this point in life that I feel confident (again through God not myself) that He would get me through such a situation.
Consider Paul as he faces death. Note: a) his consciousness about the past; b) his confession about, and his confidence in, the present; c) his hope for the future. How far can and do I share his experience and his outlook? Note Paul’s words in 1 Cor 11:1. Answer: I like to believe that I share his outlook. I believe that God intends us to continue to try to spread the Word until the end.
Jun 20, 2010
June 20, 2010 Lesson 3 of 2 Timothy 3
Verses 1-13. Of what are the evil traits listed here a characteristic expression? What by contrast ought true Christians to be like? How can we counter such evil tendencies: a) in ourselves, and b) in the community to which we belong? Answer: They are all about self and putting self above God and everyone. True Christians are to show love for each other. We are to be lovers of good. We are to seek wisdom. We are to be patient. In other words we are to accept Christ into our lives and allow the Holy Spirit to transform us to be more like Him. Prayer is the first step in countering evil tendencies in both ourselves and in the community.
V14-17. What great things can the right use of the Bible do for us? Note its contributions at each stage from a)early childhood and its dependence on others, through b) adolescence and its discipline, to c) mature manhood and its active service. What must we do fully to enjoy these benefits? Answer: We, through each of these stages, must read and learn the Word and put it in our heart so the greatest deceiver does not lead us astray.
Jun 19, 2010
June 19, 2010 Lesson 1 of 2 Timothy 2
V1-7. What theological truths form the basis for confidence in prayer? Answer: I see three examples here. The NIV study tells me that each is an example of consistent and hard work being rewarded. I have some questions on the 3rd example however. It says the farmer should “be the first to receive a share of the crops.” Does not God get the first 10%? Or is this referring to some other reward? Reward in Heaven? Crowns of glory?
For whom, and for what, should we pray (v1-4)? What kind of people ought we to be in personal behavior if we wish to be effective in prayer and pleasing to God when we meet to pray? With verses 8-10, cf. Ps. 66:18; Is 59:1-3; Mark 11:25. Answer: We should pray for each other. We should with other like minded people. We are to pray with those…. You know I just don’t understand this question based on this text!!
V9-15. Paul is not deprecating the role of women in the device of Christ (cf. Rom. 16:1ff; Phil 4:2-3), but he does here forbid women ‘to teach or to have authority’ over men in the local church. Is it conceivable that today change may be permitted in women’s part, or is Paul appealing here to the permanent consequences of the difference made by the Creator between male and female? What is the significance of verses 13 and 14? Answer: I believe that God is never changing, which makes His Word never changing. To be politically incorrect, the feminist movement was an uprising of some women against the culture that was established on these Godly principles. I am not saying women can’t vote or women can’t own property ect. I am saying that in God’s Word there is a very specific place a woman is to be, and in leadership of the church is not one of them. In addition I believe that God can and does use women.
V8. ‘Lift up holy hands’: it was customary to stand when praying, and to spread out one’s hands before God Cf. 1 Kg 8:22.
V15. ‘Saved through bearing children’: a difficult expression. It must be understood here in context, with reference to the place and function of women. Bearing children is a function to which women are unquestionably called. In it they will experience God’s saving grace provided they continue in faith, ect.
Jun 18, 2010
June 18, 2010 Lesson 1 of 2 Timothy 1
Picture Paul circumstances. See also 4:9-13. What positive Christian truths sustain and encourage Paul as he lay in prison? Answer: Paul sees this as a blessing that will glorify God!
Note how Paul reminds Timothy of the demands and cost of Christian service. Express in your own words the chief points of Paul’s counsel and exhortation to him. To which of these do you particularly listen? Answer: Praises Timothy for his faith, pray for and have others pray for you and your gifts so that you may grow in the Lord and His blessing, do not be ashamed, and suffer for the gospel if that is what the Lord has in store for you. I need to listen more to all that God has for me. I wish I knew what gift God has in me that he wants to use. I am in need of a sign in the front yard.
What do verses 3-7 reveal concerning the value of a God-fearing and Christian home and upbringing? Cf. 3:14-15. Answer:
Note V.16-18. Onesiphorus appears here as one separated from his household, either by absence from home, or quite possibly by death (cf. 4:19). This does not mean, however, that Paul is praying for his present well-being as one dead, a practice completely unsupported elsewhere in scripture. The prayer concerns conduct in this life, and reward on the future day of judgment.
Jun 17, 2010
June 17, 2010 Lesson 3 of Titus 3
V1-7. How ought we as Christians to behave in relation to: a) civil authorities, and b) our fellow men? What double awareness about ourselves should inspire such conduct? Answer: We are to submit to civil authority. Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. We are to show others the same love and mercy that Christ showed us. By showing this love we may be planting seeds that may one day lead to a soul won for Christ. If we don’t show that love and mercy that soul may be lost forever.
V4-7. What are we told here about: a) the source and method of salvation, and b) our present state and future hope? Do you realize as you ought how ‘richly’ (v6) you are endowed? Answer: First we are reminded that we too once were living under sin. We are currently made holy and in the future we are living with Him in glory spending all eternity praising Him.
V 8-15. By what actions are by what abstinence should genuine faith in God express itself? What is necessary on our part to ensure that this happens? Answer: We are to refrain from controversies about the law.
Jun 16, 2010
June 16, 2010 Lesson 2 of Titus 2
V 1-10. How can Christians ‘make the teaching about God our Savior attractive’? Examine carefully the characteristics demanded from the different classes mentioned, and summarize them briefly in your own words. Which characteristics ought you particularly to desire and cultivate? Answer: Characteristics are 1) Older men are to be taught to be temperate, worthy of respect, self controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance; 2) older women are to reverent in the way they live, not slanderers or addicted to wine, they are to teach and train younger women to love their husbands and children, self-controlled and pure, busy at home, kind, and subject to their husband; young men are to be self-controlled, show them integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned (so that those who oppose them may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say); finally teach slaves to be subject to their master and try to please them, not steal from them, and show that they can be trusted.
V 11-14. What reasons are given here why a Christian should live differently? A) What should you give up? B) How should you now live? How far is this true of you? Answer: I see here what it means to be a Christian. The true Christian lives a transformed life. I know God has transformed my life. I no longer desire the ungodliness and worldly passions. Not saying I am not tempted by the things of this world, that is the sin that lives in all of us. It is the Spirit that lives in all of that keeps us from desiring, and enables us to turn from the things of the world. Yes we are to live with the Spirit leading our lives guiding and directing us.
Jun 15, 2010
June 15, 2010 Lesson 1 of Titus 1
V1-4. What does Paul tell us here concerning the origin and the aims of his ministry? What was the basis of his assurance? Answer: The origins come from Christ himself before time began. His assurance is the knowledge of his election by Christ to spread the Word. This same assurance is stated in most, if not all, of the other books that Paul authors.
Verses 10-14. What was wrong with those whom Paul criticizes here? Make a list of their faults and failings. How, by contrast, are sincerity and genuineness revealed? Answer: Those that Paul discusses here are those who put their faith in the Law not Christ or the Word. Their faults and failings include ruining households esp. for financial gain, both their mind and conscience are corrupted, and they claim to know God but their actions deny him.
V6-9. Make a list of the qualifications desirable in a Christian minister which are mentioned here. Compare them with those stated in 1 Tim 3:1-13. Answer: The elder must be blameless, only have one wife, who’s children obey, not overbearing, not quick tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain, hospitable, loves what is good, holy and disciplined, and hold true to the Message.
Verses 10-14. What was wrong with those whom Paul criticizes here? Make a list of their faults and failings. How, by contrast, are sincerity and genuineness revealed? Answer: Those that Paul discusses here are those who put their faith in the Law not Christ or the Word. Their faults and failings include ruining households esp. for financial gain, both their mind and conscience are corrupted, and they claim to know God but their actions deny him.
V6-9. Make a list of the qualifications desirable in a Christian minister which are mentioned here. Compare them with those stated in 1 Tim 3:1-13. Answer: The elder must be blameless, only have one wife, who’s children obey, not overbearing, not quick tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain, hospitable, loves what is good, holy and disciplined, and hold true to the Message.
Jun 13, 2010
June 13, 2010 Lesson 6 of 1 Timothy 5:1-6:2
I have to start this discussion with my own discussion of V11-15. I understand that if they are put on the list they may become idle and be tempted to do the things listed. However, I am confused about the marrying part. Can they, or can’t they get married again? Is marriage within the church body ok?
Note Paul’s concern for others, and his detached interest in the special conditions and needs of particular groups. What can we learn here concerning the way to treat people? Answer: I think we as the church and body of Christ need to come together and us the resources God has given us and provide more and more for those truly in need. We need to spend less on our church fronts. We need to spend more in the communities in which we live. God has put us here to care for them. God did not put us here so the government can care for them.
How ought the elderly, e.g., widows, normally to be cared for? What does Paul advise against the giving of church support to younger widows. Answer: The elderly widows need to be cared for first by their children and grandchildren. This is to show them how God wants us to care for our relatives. Paul says they have denied the faith and are worse than a nonbeliever if they do not care for their widow. The younger widows are not to be cared for in this same manner so they do not become idle and fall into the traps of the devil.
5:19-22. Of what dangers and responsibilities is Timothy made aware here? What, in principle, can I learn from these instructions for my own guidance? Answer: Paul is telling Timothy not to fall into the ways of the culture he is living in. Do not be easily distracted or drawn into the “charisma” of someone who is really a non believer.
5:3, 17. ‘Proper recognition’: probably implies financial support.
5:22. ‘The laying on of hands’ refers to the setting apart of individuals for specific service, e.g. the elders.
Note Paul’s concern for others, and his detached interest in the special conditions and needs of particular groups. What can we learn here concerning the way to treat people? Answer: I think we as the church and body of Christ need to come together and us the resources God has given us and provide more and more for those truly in need. We need to spend less on our church fronts. We need to spend more in the communities in which we live. God has put us here to care for them. God did not put us here so the government can care for them.
How ought the elderly, e.g., widows, normally to be cared for? What does Paul advise against the giving of church support to younger widows. Answer: The elderly widows need to be cared for first by their children and grandchildren. This is to show them how God wants us to care for our relatives. Paul says they have denied the faith and are worse than a nonbeliever if they do not care for their widow. The younger widows are not to be cared for in this same manner so they do not become idle and fall into the traps of the devil.
5:19-22. Of what dangers and responsibilities is Timothy made aware here? What, in principle, can I learn from these instructions for my own guidance? Answer: Paul is telling Timothy not to fall into the ways of the culture he is living in. Do not be easily distracted or drawn into the “charisma” of someone who is really a non believer.
5:3, 17. ‘Proper recognition’: probably implies financial support.
5:22. ‘The laying on of hands’ refers to the setting apart of individuals for specific service, e.g. the elders.
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